This past week I found myself complaining a lot. It seemed like every person I encountered was rude, I didn’t enjoy my classes, my family annoyed me, and it was as if every situation I was in was filled with negativity. To cap off the weekend, I watched a few segments of various people remembering the tragic events that occurred on September 11th, 2001. We all remember it and we all still feel a pull of despair whenever the subject is brought up.
After listening to the scared, hopeless victims and the courageous survivors that are living today, I realized how much I let negativity surround my mind. It’s okay to be sad sometimes but it is so important to see the good. To embrace the happy and to remember what really matters in life. This made me think about all the things that make me happy. I feel it may be useful to write down at least a few things that I find brings me joy, whether they are big or small. These are the things we need to hold on to, to keep being happy and to remember the little things in life are what can bring the most joy.
- The smell of my favorite candles (crisp fall night, mountainside, mahogany teakwood)
- Showering after the beach
- Getting acrylic nails and tapping them on any hard surface
- Making babies laugh
- Having my hair brushed
- Having my tummy rubbed
- Giving my friends and family presents that I know they’ll really like
- The feeling I get when my makeup comes out perfect
- Feeling tired after a good workout
- Yoga
- Smelling a fire outside when driving on a crisp fall night through a woodsy area
- A warm towel to dry off in after a shower
- Putting on chapstick when your lips are really dry
- New agendas
- Planning a lesson and having it actually work out
- Getting a hug from a student when they see you walking down the hall
- Specific perfume scents that I use for each season
- A fully charged electronic device
- Finishing your homework early on a Sunday night
- Writing a to-do list
- The feeling after cleaning and rearranging your room
- Kitten’s nudging you with their face
- Shaving your legs and getting into bed with clean sheets
- Finishing a 20 page paper
- Getting an A on a 20 page paper
- Moisturizing my face in the winter
- Having your crush text you
- The feeling after a really great first date
- Watching your favorite movie
- Going to a Broadway play (or any play)
- Falling asleep to the hectic sounds of New York City at night
- Being in Disney World
- The perfect fluffy scarf
- Taking an amazing selfie
- Finding a pair of shoes that fits just right
- Opening up a new tube of mascara
- Writing out your notes and your handwriting comes out perfect
- How your hair smells and looks after a haircut
- Scratching an itch on your foot
- Taking off your bra after a long day
- Laying on the couch after a full work day
- Driving with a friend on a long or short adventure
- Driving by yourself to clear your head
- Putting eyedrops in when your allergies are acting up
- Finding the perfect grey colored t-shirt
- Wearing your favorite underwear
- Being told that you are loved
- Looking at your favorite celebrity crush
- Getting 50+ likes on Instagram
- Reading heartfelt cards on your birthday