It is finally December. The most wonderful time of the year!
We all know the jingles and we all decorate. But I want to talk about something that is extremely important to me. Every year, as we run through a multitude of stores, searching and grabbing the perfect present, stop for a moment and take a look around. Besides watching a mad house, look at the decorations. There is one thing that pisses me off the most. CHRISTMAS IS THE ONLY HOLIDAY REPRESENTED!
I understand we all love the holiday season, however, why is Christmas the only holiday represented? Do people not realize that other holidays are celebrated? Do they just not care?
Well I know I do. I was in Macy's the other day and normally they have at one table to celebrate Hanukkah. This is year, there is absolutely nothing. As a person who celebrates Hanukkah, I would like to be represented.
What about Kwanzaa?
Has anybody noticed that if another religion is represented, their section is so small, that is you blink you will miss you. If you are on your phone walking around, you will not know that is even exist. We all know where to find the Christmas decorations, but that is not enough! I am sick and tired of seeing this happen. It is time for more companies to take the time build a beautiful section, nice and large, for all to see.
Now I may sound like a bitter person, but I am not. I respect other religions and their holidays, but apparently that is not enough. Why does this go unnoticed? Why do we all need to complain, but nothing is done?
How long do we need to go on like this until we see a difference? Why do major companies continue to ignore us?
As much as I love to sound negative, I truly do enjoy the holiday season. It is a joyous time for us all. I enjoy spending quality tome with friends and family. I hope this holiday season is the best one yet.