The Christmas season is here. Department stores have put out decorations, candles in every Christmas scent possible, red coffee cups, and if you’re like me, Mariah’s Carey’s Christmas album stays on repeat. However, in the midst of all of my favorite things about Christmas, I am also overwhelmed by the amount of hostility. That’s right, hostility. Christmas regardless of religion is a precious time for families all over the globe. Maybe that’s the one time of year where all of your family is together for the holidays. Maybe that’s the one time of year that you get some time off from work (I am not quite in "adult land" yet so someone please tell me this is true). For college students, Christmas break is probably the only break that isn’t a total tease. By that I mean, you don’t have to stare at a single textbook, pages of notes, or login to see how much homework you have for about a month. Oh, happy day!
With all of these moments to celebrate during the year, I am amazed at the lack of happiness in the media, and those taking such precautions on saying things like “Happy Holidays” as not to offend someone depending on how they celebrate their holiday. Really? “Happy Holidays” is a phrase of good wishes and happy vibes. Is someone wishing you a Merry “Xmas” versus a “Merry Christmas” really that troublesome or offensive? What I mean by that is, people have their own way of wishing good things to others. Just because it may not have the same spiritual meaning or background that you grew up practicing, there is still no reason to be spiteful. Please do not misunderstand. I have the utmost respect and understanding that families and those of different religions celebrate holiday seasons differently. However, negative attitudes and turning your nose up at someone else because they do not celebrate the way you do is, well, tacky. You do not have to agree with it. You do not even have to like it. But please remember that class and respect never go out of style (The phrase, “Never say never”, does not apply here). I remain so humbled in the fact that we live in a country where we get to celebrate and worship both national and religious holidays as we please. Some men and women are not home during the holidays to see their families, and we are arguing over Starbucks’ red cups? I can promise you a red coffee cup is not a start to the “War on Christmas”. Some families are missing loved ones that were expected to be present during the holiday season, and the only thing we are concerned about is our three paragraph rant we chose to put on social media.
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I challenge all of you to take some time and reflect on exactly what kind of holiday you want to have. What examples will you set for society? What positive things can we say during a time of such controversy? Remember the reason for your season, but also remember to respect everyone else’s.