I've discovered a new passion of mine recently: walking dogs. I've had a Samoyed since I was nine years old but it's almost impossible to walk her now because she pulls like the sled dog she was born to be. Its literally in her blood to pull sleds across the Artic snow so we all know what that means for me. Not even my dad can walk her without being pulled along the sidewalk. Ever since I was little, my family has lived on a hill backing to a forest. This means endless sticks and maybe even the occasional deer to bark at. She thinks she's mightier than she actually is and often challenges the deer to a dual by jumping onto her hind legs. You can imagine that this scares the deer quicker than it takes for her to bark twice. My dad decided investing in an invisible fence would be the best option so I can only count on own hand the number of times I've walked her. It wasn't until my boyfriend started working for a dog walking company this summer that I really appreciated how rewarding and fun it can be. He gets paid to spend some quality time with mans best friend. What could be better than that? In the last few weeks, I've had the opportunity to join him on walk after I get off work. It's the perfect mix of the cardio I crave after sitting in a desk all day and fun. Each dog has its unique personality and it's fun to see how that plays out on each walk. Some dogs really enjoy the company of others whereas others would prefer to go about their stroll without seeing other furry friends . Some love to have a brisk stroll while others stop to sniff every blade of grass to the point where you don't know if you should admire how adorable it is or be frustrated. I tend to err on the side of the second option. The hardest point I found about the job is not getting attached to each dog you walk and remembering that at the end of the day it is a job. I get attached to puppies very easily especially little fluffy ones so it becomes harder to leave at the end of the walk. The dogs usually shower you with so much love and they can't stop wagging their tails. It's also cool to get to explore parts of the city that I never would otherwise see while sitting in traffic while getting to work every day. I've discovered new restaurants and parks I want to visit along the way. I anticipate that I will continue to accompany my boyfriend on walks this summer and create my own business with it once the school year starts. After all, who wouldn't love to get paid to spend time with dogs? I hope to see them wag on and I can't wait to see what furry friend I will meet next.
LifestyleJun 30, 2019
Happy Hearts and Wagging Tails
What could be better than spending time with furry friends?