Every day that we go out into this world, the chances to meet people and have an affect on someone's life are endless. You'd be surprised to know how much the smallest gesture can entirely alter someone's mood. Each morning a clean slate is given to us, and we have the ability to make each day a positive experience for not only ourselves but the people around us as well. By waking up each morning with a thankful heart and a positive mind, counting our blessings as they are laid out before us and seeking only the good in both people and situations, we have the ability to make each day a great one!
As soon as you wake up, find a reason that you have to be happy no matter what your plans for the day may look like. Maybe you are going to work — think of the silver lining! You are able to work, you get to talk to people and maybe some friends that you work with. If you have a hard time of thinking of a reason to be happy, just keep in mind that you did wake up that morning and that alone should be reason enough to be thankful. You were given another day of life for a reason; starting your day off thinking only of the negative factors will not make those factors go away, so dwelling on them is only wasting your time, and putting you into a bad mood. A bad day is then started with a bad mood.
Throughout the day, something I like to do personally is to keep a small journal with me, as well as a few colored pencils and pens. Throughout the day, I like to write down things that made me smile. It can be something as small as someone holding the door for me or something as big as getting to go somewhere fun with friends for the day. I highly recommend doing this because if it made you happy once, it's going to make you happy again when you are able to look back and reminisce on that moment. Whenever you are feeling down, you will have this journal to flip through the pages and re-appreciate every happy moment that you have experienced.
Always remember, you can remove yourself from situations that dull your positivity. This world is so full of negativity that is just itching to hide the light that shines from you. Everyone deserves to be happy, no matter what their past may be; when you find yourself getting down and can't seem to see the light at the end of the tunnel, it may be time to do some "cleaning." Take time to look at what is in your heart and mind and what or who you are allowing into your life. Remove things and people that are bringing you down and surround yourself with what makes you feel good.
YOU are responsible for the energy that you put out into the world for everyone to see. Life is too short to be remembered as the sour friend and not to make the best of every day you've been given. By showing positivity, love, kindness and thankfulness, you will stand out in a crowd and be a great influence on every person you meet.