Dear My Best Friends,
Congratulations, you did it! Last year you watched me walk across that stage and receive my diploma. You watched my whole entire high school career end, in the blink of an eye. Now, it is your turn. You have graduated high school and now you are off to college. This will be the first day of the rest of your life. The second day of the rest of your life will be the day you move onto your college campus and so on and so forth. I am so extremely proud of you for getting through high school, I know that seems like a small feat but some kids do not make it to this day. I know that you will just continue to make me so unbelievably proud of you.
I feel that it is my responsibility as your older friend to shed some words of wisdom. First off be wary of the things that people say, you never know if their intentions are actually good or if they really just want to hurt you. Along with that do not trust people who want to become your best friend after just two days of knowing you, they may not be genuine. Second, be nice to your roommate. Even if they are the sloppiest or weirdest person you have ever met be nice, they could easily make your life hell. Third, hold on to your friends from home. Those people could be your savior, I know that you were mine. Fourth, you have the option to skip classes especially if professors who do not take attendance. Do not do it! Go to class you're paying for it. Fifth, get involved. Do not sit around in your room watching Netflix all day. Go out, meet some new people. Finally, have some fun. You have your whole life to be overly serious, college is meant to be fun so take advantage of that. Do not have too much fun though school and classes come first!
I love you guys and I am excited what life could bring all of us. Just remember no matter where we all go in life we have each other. I will always be there for you, to guide you or be your shoulder to cry on. Make the most out of this time to figure out who you truly are. Experience all that college has to offer before we have to settle down and have adult jobs with adult responsibility. Happy Graduation.