If you're a typical human being you love dogs. Whether they're big or little, they are furry balls of joy. And a super happy dog makes an even happier human. So on my off time last week, I came across a page of dogs catching treats. If you have a dog, you know exactly how excited they get over treats or anything exciting in general. Finding these pictures was one of the happiest points in my entire week. The photographer, Christian Vieler is from Waltrop, Germany. As he began to photograph the dogs, he realized different dogs make different faces. He also realized how much a dog's facial expressions can say about how happy they are at that exact moment. These pictures made me realize just how happy that box of treats makes our pups. It made me think, dogs are the happiest animals on the planet. They get to live in their house, get their belly's rubbed all day, free baths, and even free food. All they have to do is sit and roll over. Imagine life was that easy for all of us; sleeping around all day, pooping in the backyard, endless treats and belly rubs. We would be one happy, very smelly country. This collection of photos is called "Fotos Frei Schnauze". Vieler found his love for dog photography in 2012, and since then has mastered it. “Every shoot I am looking for that specific moment when the dog is looking as cute or funny as they can be,” said Vieler. “That cannot be seen without the power of freezing motion – dog’s faces with magnificent lineaments, telling us stories of panic, desire, and joy.” So if you're having a bad day.. or the best day ever, it's about to get better. Dogs catching treats will make you smile, laugh, and even snort a little.
1. Bobba
2. Kimba
3. Maja
4. Junior
5. Bella
6. Lotte
7. Petra

9. Woe
10. Daniela
13. Franky Boy
15. Paul
16. Marlin
17. Milo
18. Pepper
19. Emmie
20. Bumblebee
So I hope I have you running to the pet store to get your furry friend it's favorite kind of treats!! Just think of how cool those Instagram pics are going to maybe, sorta come out. But if you're not lucky enough to have a four-legged friend, or you just haven't had enough of these dogs catching treats, you can find more pics on Vieler's Instagram. Fotosfreischnauze is filled with tons of these kinda pics and hundreds more! He even runs his own website and facebook page! If you're really hooked, and you want your very own personal puppy photo shoot, you can go to Vieler's website and book an appointment for your very own photo shoot.