It isn't as easy at it sounds, but you are supported!
Some of us are naturally happy being single, whether single is all you've ever known, or you're just between relationships, we all have our status preferences. Luckily this is 2019, so being single and independent is actually commended. Six decades back and we'd all be urged to rush off to have children with someone barely above average. We have standards in 2019 and we'd rather be single than lower our standards, right? Right. Word of advice for those of us that are picky about who they spend their love on, do not listen to those that tell you, you shoot too high for love. It is your heart; be careful with it. Being single can be lonely and as fun as activities can be with friends, sometimes things are just better spent with a significant other. This, at least for me, is a common occurring thought. I'll admit it, I am a hopeless romantic, but I have to make adjustments to my company arrangements when it comes to activities that appeal to me because the single life chose me and for however long, I must embrace it. Embracing the single life is important because it can be a long, bumpy road for a lot of people if you don't.
I'm the only single person in my friend group
Being around mushy couples is both beautiful and disgusting. Watching them whisper in one another's ears, hug all over each other, and even baby talk- ugh, I can't tell if I am genuinely grossed out or just bitter I am not able to happily and shamelessly do the same. Being a fifth wheel can be a tough game, but at least we all fit in a regular sized sedan. See, I told you there are perks. When I find myself surrounded by people that share their happiness with someone else, or even depend their happiness on someone else, I just tell myself I am lucky enough to find and exert happiness from within. Not implying all relationships are co-dependencies, but if you are single, there is absolutely no chance you will form one. Group activities should not scare you if you're the only single one; they're your friends! Each person has their own sense of individuality and more often than not, they're willing to share happiness with more than just their significant other.
The importance of self love, self discovery, and self growth
The most significant aspect of being single is realizing and embracing your love for yourself whilst positively growing into a better version of you; there is always room for self-improvement. I have always heard "no one is going to love you unless you love yourself first," and while I didn't completely understand the concept at the time, the longer I have spent being single, the more I have discovered truth to that saying. When you are comfortable being alone, you don't rely on the comfort of someone else and it makes it easier and more enjoyable to go throughout life without a significant other. This also helps you discover more about who you are as a person and causes you to draw happiness from the best source there is, you. You do not have to rely on someone else to make you feel good about yourself, which assists in reducing personal insecurities we all have. You must learn to find happiness and salvation in solitude, for this is the best lesson of self love. Once you discover more about who you are as a person individually, it helps you understand more of what you want out of life and who you want in it. This discernment can be healthy when the right time for a relationship comes along, and you'll have already set standards for yourself and your relationships.
If you're feeling lonely, find healthy distractions
It's undeniable that at times, the single life can feel lonely, especially when friends of yours are always with their significant other. However, take this as a time to prosper! If you're feeling lonely, keep yourself busy with healthy distractions, such as getting a job, writing for the Odyssey, joining a sport or club, or taking up a new hobby. Being single is a great time to spread your time out enjoying the things you love doing. Devote yourself to your education or professional life because there is no harm in trying to get ahead. I personally have been throwing myself into my school work, my job, and decided to follow a love of mine and started writing for the Odyssey. Having personal commitments I enjoy is an incredible feeling and none of my time is being wasted on anything that won't benefit me in the long run.