One year ago today, on February 26th, 2015, I discovered the dress. At first, it just appeared like a typical dress. The caption underneath it asked, "What color is this dress?" To me, it was simple that I was staring at a white and gold dress. However, my life was about to change.
When I asked my friends in the room what color they thought the dress was, I received a resounding answer of black and blue. I was completely flabbergasted how can a dress that's so clearly white and gold look black and blue? I remember my friends and I did everything to try and solve the mystery of this mysterious dress. We made the screen brighter, we made the screen darker, we physically lifted the screen and tilted at different angles, we even opened up the picture in paint and used the color picker to see what color it thought this dress was. Paint just gave us a weird brown/mustard color, though, so that didn't help at all.
I just remember sitting there thinking to myself, "Is this dress black and blue? Am I going crazy? Was every color I've ever seen before this a lie?" I couldn't handle the chaos that was this dress. When we looked it up and discovered the dress truly was blue and black, I had mixed emotions. Sure, I was relieved to know that there was an answer to the infamous question, but I also felt uneasy as to why I couldn't see these colors. I've seen them throughout my whole life — why not now?
Now, here I am, one whole year later, looking at my Timehop and reminiscing on how much stress that dressed caused me that night. Now, instead of this life changing dress, we have guys named Daniel being praised for their white shoes. Even now, when I look back at this dress, all I can think is, "Yeah, that still looks white and gold to me."