When life get toughs and it seems like the universe is working against you, take a deep breath and look around you at the little things. Even on our worst days, something will always exist to make us smile in our darkest moments. Here's a list of the little things that always remind me to smile, even on days I'm not sure it will ever get better.
1. Falling asleep to the rain
2. After the beach showers
3. Picture perfect sunsets
4. An unexpected text from someone you miss
5. Jeans that perfectly fit your body
6. Wearing your favorite outfit
7. Walking through crunchy leaves in the fall
8. Finally getting to wear your fall sweaters
9. Getting an 'A' on a test you were sure you failed
10. Falling in love
11. Warm bath after a long day
12. A perfectly made coffee
13. Waking up and realizing you have still have hours to sleep
14. Being able to finally shut off your alarm
15. Booking your ticket home
16. The first snow fall
17. Long drives
18. Your favorite song playing on the radio
19. Calling your mom
20. Seeing a puppy
21. Tea and a good book
22. The smell of fresh cut grass
23. Hitting every green light on your way home
24. Waking up late and still making it to class on time
25. Takeout from your favorite restaurant
26. Looking through old pictures
27. Receiving a letter in the mail
28. Bad reality tv
29. Arts and crafts from little kids
30. Baby hugs
31. Towels right out of the dryer
32. Hearing someone is proud of you
33. Hearing someone say "I love you"
34. Late Night Talks
35. When Netflix has your favorite movie
36. Finding money in your pockets
37. A new haircut
38. A really good workout
39. Post work out soreness
40. Bonfires
41. Hearing someone call you "my best friend"
42. Putting on pjs after a long day
43. Online shopping
44. Pay day
45. Finding something you thought you lost
46. Fresh bed sheets
47. Happy birthday calls
48. When everyone laughs at your joke
49. When someone lets you merge into their lane
50. Forgiveness
51. When the thing you've been dreading actually works out
52. Long weekends
53. The feeling you get when someone loves the gift you give them
54. New candles
55. Laughing until your stomach hurts
56. Naps on rainy days
57. Scarves that are cute and keep you warm
58. Fuzzy socks
59. New pillows
60. Finally washing off your makeup
61. When someone tells you your beautiful
62. Running into old friends
63. Runners' high
64. Baking cookies
65. Goodnight hugs
66. Books that end exactly how you hoped they would
67. Summer barbecues
68. Holiday parties
69. Little kids trick or treating
70. Vegetables fresh from the garden
71. Random dance parties
72. Freshly picked fruit
73. Seeing a firefly
74. Meeting new friends
75. Love stories from your grandparents
76. Freshly squeezed juice
77. Being in an airport
79. Having a good hair day
80. Going to bed early when all you want is sleep
81. A full tank of gas
82. Seeing a rainbow
83. Reaching your goal, emotional, physical, or otherwise
84. Eating peanut butter from the jar
85. Finally eating the meal you've been craving
86. Coloring
87. Knowing someone trusts you
88. Fully trusting someone else
89. Watching sappy chic flicks
90. Weddings
91. Watching the stars
92. Doing something nice for a stranger
93. When a stranger smiles at you on the street
94. Finally feeling better after being sick
95. Getting back to your routine when things seem chaotic
96. Perfectly organized planners
97. Waking up in a good mood
98. Or waking up in a bad mood and something good happening to change it
99. Being okay with where you are in your journey
100. Falling in love with yourself and your life
Some days, the good things seem to never end, and others they seem few and far between. On both days, look for the small things because in the small things you can find happiness and joy, leading you to a happy life.