Happy. The one thing most people want to be and usually the thing most people are. Happiness is what we strive for but sometimes, doesn’t it seem so fleeting?
I recall having a conversation with a friend of mine who told me that she wondered if human beings could ever be satisfied. In her funny and melodramatic voice, she posed the question, “Are we all insatiable black holes? No matter what we absorb, no matter what we come by in life, no matter what we gain, can we never be fully satisfied? Can we never be happy?” The immediate answer for me at the time was, “No, we can be satisfied. We can be happy.” But then I took a moment to ponder on it for a while. It’s just a little true that no matter what we receive from life, we always want more. Sometimes it makes you wonder if humanity was supposed to be content with anything. We are inventors, explorers and creators and we desire more and more each day. I wonder, does the desire for more impede or support our secret desire for whatever version of happiness that we want?
Perhaps no one else will admit this, but I am the queen of comparing myself with others. Looking around sometimes reminds me of everything I should be doing or what I feel like I should be doing. Every now and then I will reach a goal and feel so accomplished, but shortly after I have achieved it, I am searching for more. It's just another way to prove and establish myself and I just think it’s funny how we, as humans, constantly swear that certain things will bring us happiness, but they never really do.
How do you become content with your life? And if you truly become content, well, does that mean that you stop moving forward altogether? This is why I think happiness is not the most important emotion of our lives. It is not always an indication of if we are moving in the right direction or doing the right thing. Sometimes a little discomfort is good. Pressure helps us grow and even helps us thrive and I believe that we should embrace it. Sadness makes us sympathetic. Anxiousness keeps us on our toes. I’m not saying it’s the negative emotions that are important, but it is overcoming them that is.
So can we as humans being be satisfied? Yes, if they are satisfied in the sprint that is life. The constant running towards a goal that no one can see except for you. The goal that is in your mind, the one that is composed of your deepest dreams. This is chasing happiness. Strangely enough, the people who seem to be the happiest are the people who are always in pursuit of it. Maybe you may not always be in a good mood and things may be uncomfortable for you in your life, but every step is a step towards happiness. If you don’t give in or give up, if you keep your eyes fixed on your dream, you will be happy. Be satisfied in overcoming negative emotions, be satisfied with the fact that if you don’t do as well as you thought you would, you can always do better.
Happiness is the silver lining to rain clouds, as well as the sunlight on a sunny day and the stars and moon in the night sky. Situations may change. You may not always feel happy or even high in spirits, but happiness is still there lingering in the background, waiting to be noticed. I suppose it’s a lot like hope in that way.
Let your happiness be deep rooted in the worst of moments. Keep your eye on the prize and stay focused because happiness is waiting!