So many people center their lives around making money. Many college students pick a major that they believe will earn them the most money, while less focused on choosing one that would make them happy. What everyone needs to think about, is what will truly benefit your life more. Happiness or money? I'm here to tell you that happiness is the obvious choice.
Yes, money can buy you loads of extravagant things. Don't get me wrong, money is a very important factor in life. Being financially stable is a security blanket that not everyone is lucky enough to have. A lack of money can prompt unhappiness, but happiness is not money.
You can't buy friendships, love, or health in a retail store. Money gives you objects. Money can buy diamonds rings, beach houses, convertibles, and all things luxury. By being wealthy, you can buy things to make you look cooler and feel prettier. Some people can argue, but money simply cannot buy happiness. And even if it can, it's only temporarily rewarding.
Money can buy a house, but it can't turn a house into a home. Creating memories with people you love and care about is what life is all about. Instead of buying material goods, people should spend money on building memories and experiences. Nothing in this world belongs to you, except for your memories.
Money can't solve your problems. And every rich and famous celebrity that convinces you otherwise, is deceiving you. Think of the actor, Robin Williams. He was a beloved TV personality and comedian who was in many popular movies and performances. In 2014, after struggling with depression for countless years, he decided to end his life and committed suicide. Robin Williams had more than enough money than he needed, but wealth couldn't stop him from feeling unhappy and worthless. No matter how hard someone may try, money can't buy you good mental health.
If you had the opportunity to go into every store, buy everything you wanted, with just the swipe of a credit card, would you do it? Would that make you happy? If everyone got everything they wanted, then this world would overflow with greed and selfishness. That's a world I don't want to live in.
Living life with less money tends to be more motivating for individuals. It provides more of an incentive to live their lives with purpose and meaning. Buying new things all the time will quickly become less thrilling, and can lead to unhappiness.
By choosing to live a life filled with happiness, you are also choosing to live a life that you're excited about. You are choosing to live every day in a state of being grateful and content. Life is about doing the things that make you happy. The people who live happier with less, live better lives than those unhappier with more. Everyone should learn to be happy with what they have, rather than be dissatisfied for everything they don't.
Happiness is worth more than money can ever buy.