hingsIt is the little things in life that make up our happiness. People are too concerned about material things and seeking temporary happiness- but that's not where it can really be found. Happiness isn't about how much money we make, what clothes or brands we wear, or the type of shoes that are on our feet. It is the small things that make life worth living.
The smiles and giggles on your children’s faces, the little funny dances they do where they wiggle their butt and move their arms- are the things that matter. It is hearing them say “Mama” and “Dada” when they are happy, hearing the unique sounds come from their throats.
The little things are hearing your 4-year-old nephew say “I love you TT.” And saying random things like “TT, you’re so pretty”. Watching him as he tries to help out your 14-month old son, and watching him try and hold your 1-month old daughter, wanting to feed her and being involved with them like they are the best things in the world! That is joyfulness right there.
Sweet forehead kisses from the man (or woman) you love, a just because of breakfast in bed. The sleepy voice saying they love you and to come closer so they can hold you and fall back to sleep peacefully. It’s the food fights in the kitchen, and the water fights in the yard. Even the random flowers just picked for you, they smell so sweet and are so beautiful. The random snacks they buy you just because they thought of you. That is happiness.
Happiness comes within moments, no one can be happy 24 hours and 7 days a week, it just is not possible. When you are watching your favorite television show with your parents, or the long talks about life and other things. When they teach you how to cook for the first time, even if it is just an egg. Them teaching you how to walk, tie a shoe, talk, or ride a bike. Those are moments of happiness, even within the pouts of frustration of not getting it right the first time.
Merriment is watching the sunset on the beach, and watching it rise in the fields. Happiness is swimming with your best friends and not having a care in the world. Having splash fights, or seeing who can swim the farthest, or stay under the longest. Having fun and rough housing in the water is the feeling of happiness.
The little things are your happiest moments, other than the big milestones of your diploma, homecoming, prom, or even your first paycheck. Those are feelings of happiness as well, but for me. Happiness is the little things.
Joyfulness is watching your child learn as they grow when the learn to smile, laugh, and squawk. When they learn to roll over, crawl and walk. Once they learn to hold a bottle and play with their toys, those are moments of happiness in my eyes.
The little things are hearing their heartbeat for the very first time, and watching your stomach grow as they grow. Seeing their first ultrasound, and giving birth and founding out he is actually a she. Those are moments of happiness to me.
These are my moments of happiness, maybe they can be yours too, never let the negativity of this world let you down when you have so much to look forwards to.