Have you ever gone to do something and then stopped from fear of what other people think? Have you ever tried something for the first time and were embarrassed because of the people around you? That face flushing heart pounding adrenaline rush caused by fear of judgment of another is honestly one of the most debilitating feelings that a person can experience. It is so sad how often I hear well I would do that but I'm not any good or I'll be embarrassed if I try. But what's the worst that could happen? What if you knew for certain that on the other side nobody was watching, nobody was judging, nobody was there to humiliate you? Would you do it then?
WHAT IF YOU KNEW that there was a crowd watching you always, but that crowd was happy for you, admired you, supported you. I bet then you would feel empowered and motivated, right? That is a world I dream of living in. However, we live in a world we're someone will always say something so...
It's time to take action, to stop living in the shadow of validity, to take control of your life.
Because at some point you have to stop seeking the void of validation from everyone except from yourself and create inner peace with who you are, who you want to be, and where you're going. Because the approval of another human being could never compare to the approval from yourself, for yourself. For some reason, we all do this at a different point in our lives and some people never do it. So, the sooner you realize that there's never going to be a time where every single person is going to like you, the better. Happiness isn't derived from other people or other things. It comes from truly knowing and learning about yourself. It comes from learning your YOU, your PURPOSE, and then rediscovering it over and over again. It's about failure and how you pick yourself up and grow, it's about defeat and how you fight, it's about negativity teaching you to see the light. This life is not easy, this life can't always be happy, but this life is always yours. I hope you find real, raw, authentic happiness. I hope you realize that these are just words that I'm writing and lessons I've learned.
Don't get me wrong, I still have these feelings but being able to discuss them and being aware of them helps me to avoid filling myself with negative thoughts, actions, and things.
These experiences are natural. They're normal. They're part of being human, but this one life you have will be a hell of a lot better when you can be 100% yourself.