**shoutout to my pretty friends in my cover photo. I chose that picture because they simply make me happy** :)
Hiiiiiii Friends! So first off, I apologize for my hiatus. Things took a turn in my personal life and writing was no longer a priority but after a much needed break and some life reevaluations, I'm BACK! *inserts happy jig*
So on my hiatus, I experienced SOOO many highs but a lot more lows. And during those lows, I found myself questioning my purpose and why I'm here. Because of things that happened in my family life, relationships and just my walk with God, I started seeing a therapist. She has given me so many tools to help with battling depressive feelings, sadness and just my overall peace of mind. She does it from a Christian point of view which I absolutely LOVE. She gives me the psychological stand point as to why I think the way I do and the Godly stand point on to how to fix. Therapy is awesome. Everyone should try therapy. The end.
Just kidding ;)
But one of the most valuable lessons I learned from her is the art of taking care of me and how I don't owe anyone, anything. I've shared with her some personal experiences about how I've felt over worked, used, walked on and just flat out tired. And she asked me "so why are you doing so much?" And I told her because people need me and she said "but don't you think you need yourself more." And I was shook to say the least. She was absolutely right. I need me more. I need my peace of mind and I don't it to anyone. Now there's a huge difference between self care and shutting people out. Complete isolation is never healthy. I'm there when people need me. But she told me that not answering that text (if it's not important) phone when you're tired and worn out is OKAY. Not going to girl's night dinner because you feel like you don't ever have a day to yourself is OKAY. I struggle with that A LOT. I've put myself in situations where I have compromised my happiness for someone else's. I even did it when I was a kid and it trickled into adulthood.
I learned a really valuable lesson over the past 6 months. Happiness is in internal. It's impossible to gain true happiness from outside sources. We can't depend on anyone to be the source of our happiness. That's why the spirit of the Lord lives in our hearts. Pastor Steven Furtick of Elevation Church said "Peace comes after you obey God." Our peace of mind stems from listening to God and obeying His word. God knows us and God wants us to take care of ourselves. He created us. We are His children. Therefore, it is our job to take care of the mind He blessed us with. Be strong. You only have one mind. It's your job to take care of it. Your peace of mind, self care and stead walk with Christ should be your main priority. Not another person's happiness. Do what makes you happy.
Love you all and I'm so glad to be back. Stay posted for more content coming your way.
God Speed,