In life, we struggle to find happiness with many days we go through. Every day we look right over the littlest things that we should be happy about. I believe that if you find something small every day to make you happy, you will have a much better view in life. Here are some things that I believe bring true upright happiness to anyone's lives.
1. Getting off work when the sun is still up
Going to work for the whole day can be pretty upsetting, but leaving and coming out to the sun still up definitely puts a smile on anyone's face.
2. Being stuck in traffic
Yes you might think I am crazy for this one but listen, now you have more time to sing along to your favorite songs!
If you don't visit a puppy store at least once a week, you need to start. Instant happiness, I promise.
4. Being in the sun all day, coming home to shower, then realizing how burnt you actually are.
Don't lie. You know being burnt is a terrible yet awesome feeling. Who doesn't love the look of burnt cheeks and a red nose.
5. Buying cookie dough, but eating the whole package before you can even put it in the oven.
Who needs a "summer bod"?
6. Laundry fresh out of the dryer.
There is NOTHING better than some warm clothes.
7. Hearing throwback songs when you are with all of your best friends.
Who doesn't love a good throw back? Best part is, no one cares how bad of a singer they are, we all just scream.
8. Spending a week with your family on vacation.
The amount of laughs you have during this week will feel like more than you've ever had in your life.
9. Good hair days.
Especially when you didn't even try.
10. Having a package sent to your mail and not knowing what it could be.
11. Sleeping in clean sheets.
For some reason, there is a difference. A noticeable difference.
12. Changing into sweats and a sweatshirt after a day of being in dress clothes.
We all are dudes deep down.
13. Laughing so hard your stomach/head start to ache.
There is nothing better than realizing a person is laughing because they physically cannot contain excitement/happiness in their bodies anymore.
14. Driving with the windows down.
There is just something about knotty hair, and throwing your hands through the sunroof.
15. Canceled classes.
Back to bed I go, the more sleep the better.
16. Bonfires.
This is where you realize how much you love everyone you are currently surrounded with.
17. Days spent on the lake.
- Waking up every morning knowing you get to do it all over again.. BIG YES.
18. Hot dogs from a MLB game.
Absolutely nothing can compare to these over-priced dogs.
19. Drive-In movies.
Who really watches the movie anyways.
20. Home-cooked meals.
Nothing compares to your parent's cooking.
21. Shaved legs.
Being a girl is hard people.. especially when you're lazy.
22. Barefoot days.
Being shoeless all day, and and having your feet turn a completely different color.
23. Guys sweatshirts/shirts
I thank my boyfriend for giving me his whole closet.
24. Babies skin.
The softest and greatest thing ever.
25. Hand-written notes.
The most meaningful thing a person could ever give you.
We all stay up way too late watching these.
27. Laying on your bed for hours after showering before actually getting ready for the day.
Don't know why, but we all do it.
28. Seeing people you haven't seen in forever, and giving them a big hug.
Instant happiness in your heart.
30. Tanlines
Instant progress/motivation.
31. Sunrises/Sunsets.
The beauty you miss out on every morning/night that should be appreciated.
32. Catching a fish
When you start smiling because your line yanked, and you know something good is about to happen.
33. Beach days.
34. Saving money for awhile, and finally being able to buy something.
Go you. You worked for it.
35. Co-workers
Your second family who is always ready to hear your rants.
36. Baby pictures/videos.
Here come the water works.
37. Night swims.
So much cooler than during the day for some reason.
38. Printed pictures.
Simply sweet.
39. BBQ's
The smell of the grill cooking something yummy.
40. Bible verse's that express something in your life.
You are never alone.
41. Getting ice cream from a homemade shop.
Dairy Queen and Coldstone are so out of the picture!
42. Wine nights with your close friends.
Some of the best memories are made during these nights.
43. Wearing new clothes for the first time.
I am a new person.
44. Singing in a country accent.
We all want to be a hillbilly deep down.
45. Summer concerts.
Are winter concerts even a thing?
46. Watching the same show as your friends.
Gossip time
47. When someone says, "this reminded me of you."
I am melted.
48. Amusement parks.
Will we ever really grow up?
49. Hearing the words, "I love you."
Best three words that exists to man-kind.
50. Knowing your life is actually pretty great.
Thanks to everyone who is in it.