When reading the title to this article I'm sure a lot of people thought I was gonna say somewhere like Auburn or my hometown, not the one place known for their tagline, "The Happiest Place on Earth," but that is exactly what I'm talking about. Disney World is actually the best place on the entire earth and I can't believe it took me 20 years to figure that out.
This spring break I went with 14 of my friends to stay in Orlando, Florida for the week. One of my friends lives in Orlando; so we stayed at her beautiful house with her wonderful parents. We planned lake days, shopping days and park days. Most of my friends went to Universal Studios one day and had a great time, but the next day I went to Disney World with five other girls. Ever since i was a kid I have loved all things Disney. I own basically ever Disney movie ever made and I am obsessed with princesses. I never went to Disney as a child, and growing up I always felt like it was built up a lot, but probably not that great. I was so wrong.
Our day started at 7a.m. we got up and got ready while listening to Disney's Pandora station. Once we were prepared with our fanny packs filled with all of the necessities we started on our way just down the road. The whole way there I was just giddy. I couldn't stop smiling and screaming or laughing. As we pulled through the huge arch that reads, “Walt Disney World, Where Dreams Come True,” with Mickey and Minnie on either side, I just completely lost it. I was scream-singing I'll Make a Man Out of You and dancing out of the window. I got quite a few interesting looks as we made our way in, but I was just so happy that I didn't care. I paid for parking and told the woman how excited I was and she was excited for me! That's when I knew how wonderful the day would be, a woman who didn't know me, who I yelled at because I was so excited, was just as happy as I was.
We got to the parking lot and we surrounded by people just as excited as we were, everyone walked towards the entrance and I truly only felt happiness around me. In a parking lot, filled with people, half of which were children, no one was upset. If that doesn't say something about the atmosphere than I don't know what will.
We went through the ticket process, and immediately ran to get on the monorail and then a bus. We already planned to go to Hollywood Studios first and make sure we got to do Rock 'n' Roller Coaster and Tower of Terror. I came to Disney with intentions of waiting on my friends to do the rides they wanted, but not participating. I'm not a huge risk taker and I had ridden one roller coaster before coming to Disney in 2005. I somehow managed to work up the courage to ride Rock 'n' Roller Coaster and by the pure grace of God I loved it. I screamed like a crazy person the entire time and the picture they got of my face is nowhere close to attractive, but I enjoyed myself. Yet again, a hint that everything at Disney is wonderful. We rode Tower of Terror and I literally screamed prayers the whole time, but I did it.
Then we headed back to the bus to get back on the monorail to go to Epcot. My ultimate goal for this trip was to meet my favorite princess. Personally, my favorite princess is Belle, she is just so absolutely wonderful and kind-hearted woman who taught me a lot about loving people. Well, she was going to be in France, in Epcot at 11:30 to12:45, well that's what our app said. We arrived in Epcot at 12:25 and had to get all the way to France, which is quite possibly the furthest away from the entrance. I sped-walked/ran there with my friends following behind and once I got to France I just started asking random people where Belle was and they all just pointed ahead. I started panicking because I couldn't find her anywhere and then all of my friends screamed my name, I turned around and saw a sign that included all of the times she would be standing right there, in that very spot. So, I stood right there, in that very spot, for 25 minutes until she arrived in all her glory. I was sixth in line and lost my mind when I finally got to meet her. We talked about ADPi, my wonderful friends and how much I love her. We ended the conversation with pictures, a signature on my phone case and a hug. It was the best five minutes of my life thus far and I don't think I will ever forget that moment.
We walked through the rest of Epcot and did a couple rides there and got Starbucks (like the true sorority girls we are,) and then made our way to Magic Kingdom. We decided to skip Animal Kingdom entirely because we were running out of time and Magic Kingdom is the epitome of Disney and we wanted to get the most out of our one-day trip. We arrived at Magic Kingdom and it literally took my breath away. To see Cinderella's castle, a major piece of my childhood, staring me right in the face was surreal. We ran around and took pictures with the castle and ate dinner and then we got down to business.
We ran through the park completing as many rides as humanly possible, stopped for the firework show and then went back to the rides before they closed. Believe it or not, we did four rides in 45 minutes right before they closed. I have never run so fast in my life, but I couldn't help but grin the entire time. Space Mountain, Thunder Mountain and the Teacups were just three of the multiple attractions we visited, but every one was spectacular. We saw Ariana Grande in line for Space Mountain and she completely ignored us, but it's fine cause I know she heard me. The rides started to close and we slowly started to walk towards the exit, saddened at the thought of having to end this perfect day. Well, we started to leave when a worker informed us that there was a night parade starting. We sat down on the empty road and watched like children as Cinderella, Prince Charming, Snow White, Alice and so many more characters rode by and spoke to us. I might have gotten into an altercation with Cinderella's stepsisters, but it was so worth it.
The parade ended and we made our way to the exit yet again, and then decided to stop for ice cream to end our night on a sweet note. Well, we walked in the ice cream parlor and they locked the door behind us and congratulated us on making it in before they closed. We got our ice cream of choice and decided to sit in front of the castle and eat. The park was deserted at this point, literally no one was around us and it was perfect. It was 11:55 pm and a worker approached us. He asked if we knew what happened in five minutes and we all started to get up, guessing that the park would be closing. He quickly told us to sit and that “A Kiss Goodnight” is a special light show on Cinderella's castle that they do every night at midnight. I can't possibly explain just how magical that moment was. We were crying and hugging and just completely taken aback by the true happiness we felt.
We finally started to exit the park slowly, but surely (with a police escort) and boarded the last ferry boat of the night. We rode in silence and tried to hold on to the moment we all just had together. We had been in the park for fifteen hours and I could have gone for fifteen more. We ran to our car and left the park with laughter and smiles. I don't know that I will ever be able to fully explain the joy I felt on that day in Disney World with some of my best friends, but if I didn't learn anything else on spring break, I learned that Disney truly is the happiest place on earth.