Even The Happiest Of People Have The Darkest Of Days | The Odyssey Online
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Even The Happiest Of People Have The Darkest Of Days

We are all human. Life happens. You are allowed to show that you are unhappy or angry.

Even The Happiest Of People Have The Darkest Of Days

Chances are that you are currently juggling multiple tasks all at once and life is chaotic. Somedays you will get your whole to-do list done with no problem, whereas somedays everything will just pile up and you will not get it done.

Don't sweat it.

Regardless of what you're going through, why do we as people show this idea that if we are not happy or if something is not going 100% right that it is not OK? It is almost like it is frowned upon if you are upset. Why can't we have feelings? Why can't every day not be… OK?

We are all human. Life happens. You are allowed to show that you are unhappy or angry.

Your feelings and your emotions are valid.

Juggling all our day-to-day activities requires a lot of time and energy. Sometimes we are pushed over the edge. AND THAT IS OK. Admitting that we are not OK does not make us appear weak or lower than anyone.

Life is not always going to be smiling faces and rainbows.

We will constantly be challenged with obstacles left and right. It is our job to allow our feelings to be shown. It is OK to not be OK. The emotions we feel will only help us to move forward. If we act like it does not bother us one way or another our true feelings will be revealed.

Remember: it is OK to be angry, sad, cry, or think negatively. It is OK to care. It is OK to have emotions and feel a certain way.

You are not weak for caring!

Showing your emotions shows that you are a living, breathing human. The only way out of your pain is through it. We need to experience certain situations to be able to handle others. Situations that challenge us are hard. But in the end, we are forcing ourselves to be braver and stronger than we think.

Admitting that you are OK is the first step to letting go of the pain.

We are allowed to not be happy all the time. We live in a world where social media and technology are our running forces.

Stop hiding behind the screen like everything is happy and dandy.

Shed a tear. Scream on the top of your lungs. IT IS OK TO NOT BE OK!!! Be yourself. Say how you feel. After all, you tell the story of your life, so why not tell it and experience it how YOU want?

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