So far in my short 25 years, my world has ended a few times. My world ended when I found out I was pregnant, then again when the father left me. About 2 years later, it ended again when my husband got deployed, and then, this last time, when he decided he didn’t want to be married anymore. But that’s a story for another day.
Writing this, I realize how dramatic I must sound to people, saying my whole world ended. But, that’s essentially what happened. When I love someone, I love them with everything. I commit to my significant others, or even potential significant others, 100%, sometimes even more. Unfortunately, some of my past SO’s haven’t been as loyal, and that scarred me. Emotional abuse is very hard to get over, especially since you don’t normally realize it’s happening until it is over.
For me, there’s always been one person at the end of the world, to help me. This person came into my life during a pretty crucial turning point, and I never really thanked him. When we first met, we had both just gotten out of long term relationships, and both kind of just needed a friend, a shoulder to lean on. I honestly don’t know how much, or if I even did, help him, but he changed my life.
He showed me what it was like to have fun, to go on a date with someone who was genuinely interested in you, to just let go and be free. He showed me that men are capable of being vulnerable and emotional, as much as they don’t want us to see it. He taught me that, just cause a guy takes you home early on in a relationship, doesn’t mean he necessarily wants sex, but that he might just want a little more time with you.
So, if you’re reading this, and you realize it’s about you, thank you. Even though I’ve known you for about 4 years now, it still feels brand new, yet completely comfortable, every time we talk, and I love that. That night we stayed up literally all night talking, was so fun. I know at the time, it probably didn’t seem like much, but in that moment, you showed me how I should be treated. To this day, you still treat me better than anyone I’ve ever dated, and we aren’t even dating.
I feel like sometimes your whole world needs to end, to see that there is something better waiting for you. I know that every time my world ended, even though I was scared and upset, there was always something better. So, take a chance. You’re world already ended, what do you have to lose? Take a leap of faith and give the new guy your number, no matter how nervous you are. It could turn out to be an amazing decision.
And just like a life line right on time, I met you at the end of the world.