Do you remember the red cup story, or how about the war in the middle east that is still going on? Do you remember the 276 girls that got kidnapped in Nigeria over two years ago, and one was finally just found? No? Well, the media did their job.
They want us to forget.
Media has a way of changing words, ideas, and topics with a snap of their fingers. One of the biggest problems that can be easily solved is following what the media wants. Just because they move on from a topic does not mean that you have to. Regarding the war in the middle east especially, there are still many news agencies that are reporting on the war, on top of whatever the current topic is.
There is a perfect example of media controlling society on what they show. On May 30th, the Cincinnati gorilla incident happened; that event lasted over a week on social media, then came the Stanford swimmer who raped a girl while at a fraternity party and only got six months of jail time for it. By the time that the Stanford case came out, the gorilla case was long gone, even though it was just barely a week ago.
While this is just one way the media controls everything, social media is another way. One of the most recent moments is the picture of the dad and his daughter both naked in the shower. His daughter was sick and he was trying to make her feel better. Once it became popular, it became a huge uproar, involving the words: 'sick', 'pedophile', and 'wrong'.
Then the flip side happened; a mom posted the same picture with her daughter, except it didn't involve the words from the other story. It had words like 'praise', 'loving', 'gorgeous', 'good mom'. Does anyone see the problem here?
It is a huge double standard. While we praise the mom, we criticize the father, and since when is that okay? Dads are just as much parents as moms are. I can see it from the other side as being a little weird, but then again if it was actual pedophilia or child pornography, it would probably not be on social media in the first place.
Society and media have a strange way of controlling what we see. The media show what the bad is, but then quickly replace it with all the good things that the world is doing, trying to mask the bad in hopes that it will not come out to bite them in the butt. Social media has a wonderful way of not only empowering the topics we care about, but also causing wars within each other.