Everyone has that one thing that they cannot live without, something that makes it possible to get through each day. Some are good and some are bad. That doesn’t really matter though because at this point in your life it has become a necessary thing. Unfortunately, I am completely and utterly addicted to Coke. And, honestly, it’s a lifestyle.
1. Coke has become a steady staple of your diet.
Honestly, when are you seen without a can or bottle in your hand? The answer is never.
2. You tend to have one with every meal.
Food just doesn’t taste as good unless accompanied by one or maybe two or maybe three glasses of Coke.
3. Including breakfast.
Which is when I’ve found, you are most harshly judged by everyone around you. Apparently, Coke is not an appropriate or healthy way to start your day. Who knew?
4. In fact, people love to point out how unhealthy Coke is for you.
Yes, I know that Coke could literally kill me. Yes, I have come to terms with it.
5. But, almost every week, you decide it's time to quit.
Maybe I should start drinking water, my body might actually thank me.
6. However, that attempt at healthy living lasts for exactly one day.
It started out with “I’ll just have one” and ended with “I’ve had four Cokes today, why am I like this.”
7. So you try again.
Maybe this time I’ll have enough self-control to quit and, consequently, turn my life around. (As if quitting drinking Coke is enough to magically fix everything).
8. Only to last less than 48 hours (yet again).
I tried as best as I could.
9. So you give in and continue drinking the massive amount of Coke you were drinking before.
Might as well, right?
10. And then, try to justify it with vague reasons you read somewhere on the internet that may or may not be remotely true.
If you can find just one thing that might warrant the continuation of your Coke addiction then everything will be okay.
11. Like, how the caffeine in Coke obviously helps keep you awake and energized.
Sure, there are other ways to get a caffeine fix but Coke always seems like the best option.12. Or, how it also helps with headaches.
Again, maybe not the best way but still the most enjoyable.
13. And, settles stomach aches.
Maybe Ginger Ale is the most recommended soda in this case but is it worth dealing with the unfortunate flavor? Not really.
14. However, eventually, you stop fighting and admit it definitely isn’t the healthiest thing you could be putting in your body.
Even though I admit it doesn’t mean I’m going to stop.
15. Water will never be as good.
While many people disagree, water has a taste and I do not enjoy it at all. Even if I drink water, all I want to do is wash it down with Coke.
16. So there you are, out with your friends, surrounded by glasses of water with your Coke sitting there like its own little island.
I love when the waiter takes everyone’s drink orders and I break the chain of “water please.”
17. And only Coke because is Pepsi ever okay?
The answer is no.
18. Then there’s always that one friend that sneaks sips of your Coke.
And it always feels like a small win, come to the dark side.
19. But, in the end, it’s your glass.
And you’re going to be the one to finish it.