You may currently be drowning in finals week, but just remember that summer break is around the corner. Keep up the optimism and motivation, people!
Soon and very soon, my friends, you'll be in a world that doesn't require term papers, exams, or projects.
No matter how much you don't want to go to class...
...Go anyway! They'll probably be reviewing for the final.
Oh the feeling you'll get when you finish your final exam and hand it in to your professor.
You're finally done!
The crappy part is (if you go to college out-of-state), you'll have to say goodbye to your school friends for a few months.
But hey, that's what phones are for!
Group chats are golden.
So celebrate, because after all your hard work and all-nighters, school's over!
I don't know about you, but for Miley, celebrating involves dancing.
And you can spend your days doing whatever you like.
That may be painting a chicken coop. Who knows.
You can be studious and read a copious amount of books:
You: Oh, have you read all of Austen's or Hemingway's works?
Other person: But of course!
You: I did as well! I even read all of Oscar Wilde's poems that he ever wrote!...And it's only my first week back!
Both: *Haughty laugh*
You can change up your look:
Although not everyone can completely disguise themselves as a pop star by means of a blonde wig.
This summer can be a time to reinvent yourself:
Or maybe you just want to sleep and watch that Netflix series you haven't the chance to finish:
Summer break has "break" in the name, remember? Relax away, friends.
Pick up a summer job, perhaps?
Yes, it may cut in to your tanning time, but who doesn't need the extra cash?
Make connections:
You can start preparing for your future before you need to hunker down and get a grownup job.
The point is, have fun this summer. It's a break from studying and stressing over your grades. Hang out with your family and friends back home and enjoy this time!