College is one of the only times that you can go out on a weeknight because no one is there to remind you of your responsibilities the next morning. So we do it. And then we regret it when we wake up the next morning with a horrible headache and a class starting in 20 minutes.
Then we look for shortcuts and and quick ways to erase last nights mistakes to reduce or cure our horrible hangover. Here are some options and their effects.
Because our bodies have the amazing ability to heal on its own, sleep is a good option to cure your hangover. You likely went to bed at a ridiculous hour after your night of drinking and dancing so more sleep is exactly what you need. Sleep deprivation can make your hangover symptoms feel worse. If you can sleep in, DO IT.
Exercise - Sweat it Out
Not the first thing you want to do when you're hungover but going to the gym can actually rid your body of some of the toxins you ingested the night before. Make sure you continue to hydrate if you do decide to exercise as a hanover cure.
Greasy food. Exactly what you want when you wake up the morning after. But, this a not a proven remedy. Eating a light breakfast and continuing to hydrate is most important for making your hangover disappear.
Hair of the dog
The worst thing you can do is have another drink. More alcohol may mask your hangover woes but will only lead to a worse and prolonged hangover later. Your body needs time to recover before you feed it more toxins.
For a regular coffee drinking, skipping your daily cup when hungover could worsen your headache. You body would be going through double withdrawal. Yet, coffee is proven to worsen your hangover by narrowing your blood vessels and boosting blood pressure.
Over the counter pain killers
Anti-inflammatory pain relievers have been proven to provide some hangover relief. The most important thing with taking pills such as Advil is to continue to hydrate all day long in junction with the medicine.
Electrolytes and Fluids
The dehydration caused by heavy drinking is what makes you feel hungover the next morning. Replacing the funds your body lost is important in making you feel better. Gatorade, juice, water or even Pedialyte can all help to replace the toxins in your system.
The only way to avoid the dreaded hangover is to drink in moderation or stay away from alcohol altogether. But, its often easy to overindulge. If you still wake up with a hangover, you may rely on one of these remedies. But, traditionally hangover cures are ineffective and some could make you feel worse. Listen to your body.