I am no physics major, but I am majoring in mechanical engineering, and I will tell you one thing- the string theory is important, and you should know it!
Currently, we govern the things we see around us by two laws:
Einstein's theory of relativity
Quantum mechanics.
The String Theory is trying to converge the two topics, which seems impossible. Quantum mechanics deals with the small things, the fundamental pieces, such as up quarks and down quarks (a pair makes a single proton). The theory of relativity deals with bigger things, like what is beyond the galaxy.
There currently is no governing theory to make the two coexists. You simply use one or the other- which in turn poses a problem.
Ancient Egyptians were first to discover that atoms were the fundamental pieces of everything; much later we discovered protons, electrons, etc. Most recently we have discovered almost 10 even smaller fundamental pieces (nuons, quarks,....).
There are four governing forces currently used as well- gravitation, electromagnetism, strong force, and weak force. The string theory is trying to combine those four forces, for everything must be made of the same fundamental pieces....right?! The string theory, therefore, must be far more complex than any of the previously listed force equations.
According to the string theory, there are more dimensions than what meets the eye. Time has its own dimension, the fourth dimension, and it proceeds all the way into the 11th dimension. The string theory is currently blowing the minds of brilliant mathematicians and physicists. As if 11 dimensions weren't enough, the string theory also takes into account the probability of some event happening. Which in turn, is endless. There is an infinite amount of ways of an event can occur.
So what are these strings? Essentially they are vibrating “strings” of energy. They are not really strings at all, they are just called strings in order to create a visual. These strings can not be seen by even the best of microscopes. According to string theory scientist, these strings make up everyone and everything.
I don’t know about you, but I find this to be mind blowing. For years I have been taught that everyone is made of atoms, the smallest fundamental piece when we really are, in fact or could be in fact, made of microscopic strings.