Handy Crowd
By: Shara Richards
There was a national movement towards unity on a sunny Sunday the twenty fifth of May in 1986. I was all of 8 years old and I can remember participating in Hands Across America. This event gave me the sensation that I was connected to EVERY person in the world. This was fascinating for me to see my moms, dads, sisters, and my hands intertwined with so many people’s hands for as far as the eye could see. I can remember watching a newly married couple stop their limo on the Broadway Bridge in order to join hands with the rest of the group. The unity in my community was a warm feeling filled with the goodness of humanity. The work and effort that took place to organize such a social movement is impressive. The connection that it left me with still has a big impact on me to this day. I believe firmly that we are all basically good people and that we can achieve great things together.
When I was 14 I learned about the crowds in the Roman Coliseums and how they could turn on you in an instant. This mass hysteria scared me so much I had nightmares about huge crowds ever since. Maybe this is my fascination and primal fear concerning all things zombie. That these mindless creatures can attack you at will and can converge upon you at a moment’s notice leaving you with little defense. On the season six series premier of The Walking Dead they had to deal with a mass of collective behavior zombies and how to herd them around to survive. This is much like the huge crowds of people there must be a collective group effort to maintain calm and peace in order to maintain a level of society’s niceties. The mob mentality is something that needs to be avoided and it takes a very strong personality or plan to avoid danger.
I am definitely a people person. In my extraverted nature, I tend to attract a lot of people to me and I am intrigued by them as well. I smile all the time but do not like to be touched by strangers you can call it a childhood issue. In large crowds where touch is unavoidable I get extremely uncomfortable. On the other end of the spectrum if I know you I tend to touch a lot and accept the same affections happily. I also believe that a group of people becomes a herd of animals that can go wild at any moment. So, when I participate in protest for a cause I believe in or go to a place where a crowd is I always make sure to be on the outside rung of the protest to escape quickly in the event of a riot. When I go to clubs I always sit near an exit so that I can bone out if something untoward goes down. There is safety in numbers but you need to be safe while you are in with the numbers. Remaining calm and using your manners will help not only you stay safe but also the herd of people you have joined to maintain an orderly fashion so that the point of your cause gets across to all who see or hear it. Crowds can be handy for humans to vocalize their needs or addressing concerns about society but please remember when gathered for an event or cause that means a lot to you that you are also representing humanity. Use these gatherings as a showcase for peace, love, and unity which are the best qualities that are so inherent to our species. Thank you for expressing your desire for a better world through your efforts to help with the cause that calls to your heart because of you and people like you eventually earth will be a good place to live especially for our future generations. Go team Human!
Dear Black People, Stop Saying The N-Word Or Stop Getting Upset When Other People Use It