Many Halloween costume retailers have made popular television series such as "Riverdale" and "Stranger Things" a hot commodity for costumes this year, but one popular series on Hulu that many are familiar with, sparked serious outrage when it hit the market early this year.
Online retailer, Yandy, released a "Brave Red Maiden" costume which referenced the women who were forced into surrogacy in the hit television series, "The Handmaid's Tale." The provocative costume included a red cape, red mini dress, and a white bonnet.
As soon as the costume hit the market, people were outraged and disgusted that a company would sell such a costume, especially with the emergence of the #MeToo movement and protests on feminism that has taken place. The iconic red cloak from the show has become a symbol of protest against women's oppression around the world.
After many have shamed Yandy for releasing the costume, they have taken it down and have released many apologetic statements. The company stated that their initial inspiration was to create a costume based on recent protests about women's oppression and empowerment.
Yandy said, "We support our customers being comfortable in their skin, regardless of who they are or what they choose to wear. Our corporate ideology is rooted in female empowerment, and gender empowerment overall."
Yandy's approach with the creation of the costume was only a mere way to bring women together to stand up against the cruel and unjust ways they have been treated for centuries. I don't believe they were trying to portray the message that rape isn't something to take seriously. I do believe that people in the world today are very sensitive to this topic, as they should be. Therefore, I think Yandy should have considered the positive and negative reactions they might get from society. After all that has gone on with this movement in the past few years, the company should have known better than to release such a provocative costume with a risky reference.