If You're A College Student And Have Ever Gotten In A Fender Benders Here's How To Handle It | The Odyssey Online
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If You're A College Student And Have Ever Gotten In A Fender Benders Here's How To Handle It

An easy guide to handling an unexpected car accident

If You're A College Student And Have Ever Gotten In A Fender Benders Here's How To Handle It

Imagine driving down your college boulevard on a Friday afternoon. It is nice out, your windows are down and you are jamming out to some of your favorite tunes with a couple of friends. You plan on grabbing some food at your local taco shop and rendezvousing with more friends to hang out after.

As you turn into the intersection-- you feel a significant force hit you from behind and shake your car violently. Your seat belt tightens, your head rocks, and your palms start sweating profusely. You are confused, appalled, and a mix of other emotions. You have no idea what just happened.

You panic.

You look around inside your car to make sure your friends are okay.

Then it clicks. Your car just got rear-ended.

Your heart is pounding rapidly. You have never been in a car accident before and your body feels--- frozen. The other driver gets out of their car and you hear an endless stream of profanity being vomited out of their mouth.

The furious person is demanding insurance information as they blame you for the accident. You feel as if you did nothing wrong. Everything seems to be moving so fast...you have no idea what to do.

Let’s be honest.

Fender benders suck.

Accidents are unavoidable and can happen without any warning, no matter how safe of a driver you think you are. Sometimes, you cannot control a car accident happening to you. However, you can control what precautions and steps you take after the car accident to protect yourself and save you a lot of money.

Whether you have been in one before or you have never been in a car accident before, it is smart to be prepared for if that day were to come. A lot of people get taken advantage of, whether the accident was their fault or not because they have no idea on what to do after a car accident. Most of the times, they are so shocked by the accident, they just forget to do simple things to protect themselves.

Here is an infographic made by Harlow, Adams & Friedman P.C. with some useful tips to guide you on what to do after a car accident.

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