Year after year students flood into our schools. They’re eager to learn or eager to leave; either way they’re eager. Days pass, then months, then years, and they’ve spent countless hours under the instruction of educators. Teachers spend each year teaching math, grammar, reading, and simple social skills. Between the students’ eye rolls, complaints, and the occasional crazy mother, too often educators are just trying to stay above water. That shouldn’t be the case.
Educators dedicate their lives to teaching children about everything they need to know, and that doesn’t stop at the simple subjects. They teach their students how to respect authority, how to keep a deadline and turn in your best work. They push a student, encouraging them to give it everything they’ve got, becoming as successful as they can. These are all vital characteristics children will need when entering the adult world. Educators shape these students’ lives, sometimes without even using words.
If you are a Christian educator, then you've found your calling in the classroom. It’s a responsibility to be His light to the souls that walk in and out of your classroom every day. Teachers have an opportunity, not a chore. They become a refuge and a safe place for so many. They become an encourager and a friend to all children, some having never experienced a love so loyal. Teachers become the hands and feet of Jesus to hundreds, and it is such a blessing.
Teachers, don’t lose hope. Don’t be discouraged by the punches the job throws at you. Choose to see the need these students have to be loved and nurtured. Be the hands and feet of your Father, showing these children that there is hope and love in Jesus Christ alone. No law could ever prevent you from sharing the gospel with your students simply by your actions. See their souls, not their quirks, and let them see Jesus in you.
Everyone else, encourage the teachers. A responsibility this large doesn’t come lightly. They experience the heartache of each child that comes in their room. They see the hurt, they see the wounds, they see the needs, and they cater to those the best they can. They’re job isn’t just to make your children smart, it’s to invest and nurture while teaching everything they can about school subjects. They’re the world’s best jugglers with the biggest responsibility, shaping the minds of our children. Work with these teachers, encouraging and thanking them for their service and sacrifice. They have a big job ahead of them, and they need a big army of people behind them ready to hold them up.
When the Israelites were crossing the Red Sea, Moses was commanded to hold up his staff so the waters would stay parted. With millions of Israelites crossing, this wasn't a short task. His brothers in Christ came alongside him and held his arms up, supporting him in his responsibility. Likewise, hold up the arms of our teachers. Encourage them as they lead and love and serve God in this calling. Work with them and for them. Ultimately we want our children to know the love and hope of our Lord. Pray the teachers with the opportunity to show them that love and hope will have the courage and strength to do so.
So teachers, thank you. Thank you for dedicating your life to investing in our children. Thank you for pouring into them knowledge and truth. Thank you for loving them through all things and walking with them through their everyday life. I thank you. I support you. I pray for you, and I commend you.