Hampton Bays. Where is that? Any one not from the east end of Long Island rarely knows the town exists yet it is sandwiched in between two of the more popular towns, Westhampton and Southampton. Outsiders may see that Hampton in front and think we're as glamorous as the towns they've seen in the movies and shows but only the ones who grew up here truly understand what really is in this 18 square mile town. Here are a few signs that show you grew up in this small town.
1. We're not the Hamptons.
We may be in the town of Southampton, making us an automatic part of the glamorous Hamptons but if you look at a Hampton Bays kid and say "You're just a rich Hampton kid." Run.
2. To outsiders, we probably will still say "I'm from the Hamptons."
This is most understood by kids that go away to school. No one will have any clue where Hampton Bays is. To make it easier on you and everyone else, we just tell you we're from the Hamptons but usually we'll describe it as the armpit or butt crack.
3. Katrinka's is a staple food.
Anyone that has ever been hung over or just sick of sitting at school knows where to go. If you lived in Hampton Bays and never had Katrinka's, then you're either lying about not having it or lying about having lived here.
4. You were upset when Dunkirk's Deli became the Bayman Deli.![]()
Like Katrinka's, Dunkirk's was a big hit, especially with the softball players since their coach was the owner. They were the ones to truly make Half and Half Iced Tea a staple in this town.
5. The public library was the middle school chill spot.
"Hey what are you doing after school?" "Going to the library to chill, you?" "Same!" this was the 7th grade cool spot.
6. Going to all of the 5k runs even though you hated to run.
There was always a cool festival or something after so hey why not.
7. The carnival was the official sign summer was ending.
This was the end of July and it also happened to be the only time you saw anyone from school because who wants to leave their house?
8. Besides beach in the summer, there was nothing to do if you couldn't drive.
Our town had basically nothing besides a park, movie theater and beach so a lot of time was spent being bored.
9. You knew where everyone lived.
Being a small town and an even smaller school district, you knew where all of your classmates lived. Not sure if this is good or bad.
10. You can't go outside without your teacher, best friend and middle school crush seeing you.
There are only so many ways people can get around in this town so if you're walking outside, expect the thousands of texts asking if they just saw you leave your house.
11. Everyone knew everything.
Curse of the small town, news travels like wild fire.
12. Everyone at some point worked in a local restaurant.
I've had half my high school wait me at some restaurant some where.
13. The diner was the official sign you were home.
After coming back from leaving town, the first thing to greet you off of Sunrise was that diner sign.
14. No matter how boring we think it is, we will always love it.
You can leave Hampton Bays but Hampton Bays will never leave you.