No matter who you are, you can agree that summer is what you look forward to. The sun is out longer, the beaches are packed, concert season starts up, and going out for ice cream with your friends or family are great ways to end the day. Summer is also the start of summer family vacations. Being from a big city, one of my favorite places in the world to relax and de-stress is New Hampshire. No matter where in the state you go, there is always something to do. Here are a few reasons why I think New Hampshire is one of the best places to spend your summer vacations.
1. The Hiking
With New Hampshire being mostly mountains, there are so many beautiful trails that lead to even more beautiful views.
2. Highway Driving
3. Lakes/Rivers/Waterfalls
There are so many rivers and lakes throughout New Hampshire that are perfect for a quiet, not so crowded beach day. One of my personal favorites is Echo Lake in North Conway, New Hampshire.
4. The Shopping
New Hampshire has some pretty awesome shopping places including the Mall of New Hampshire and the Settlers Green Outlets.
5. Amusement Parks
New Hampshire is home to many fun-filled amusement parks including Canobie Lake Park, Story Land (mostly for younger kids), Santa’s Village (again, mostly for younger kids), and Whales Tales.
6. Constant 360-Degree Views of the Mountains
I think these pictures speak for themselves.
7. The Animals
Being from the city, the only wild animals I see are the occasional raccoon. New Hampshire is home to animals including; deer, moose, bears, and coyotes.
8. Craft Fairs
The craft fairs throughout this state really show the true talent of the locals. From woodcarvings to homemade fudge, there is something for everyone!
9. The People
The people in New Hampshire are some of the nicest, down to earth people I’ve ever met. They are always willing to give a helping hand and are eager to give tourists and visitors information on the “must visit” locations.
10. The Stars
When you live in a crowded city, there are only a couple of visible stars at night due to the number of lights and smog the city produces. Even then, the stars you do end up seeing are probably planes coming or leaving the airport. Nighttime is probably my favorite part of vacationing in New Hampshire because of how breathtaking the sky is.
11. Family
With New Hampshire being so family-centered, you spend a lot of quality time with your brothers and sisters. Although you may miss your friends from home, spending time with your siblings are the highlights of family vacations.