So I don't know if you've heard about it or not, but there's this little show on Broadway called "Hamilton." It's not that much of a big deal, just a hip-hop musical about the Founding Father, Alexander Hamilton, aka the guy on the $10 bill. Tickets are really hard to get ahold of for some strange reason ... I looked them up just now and some of the cheapest ones were like $500. Weird, right?
In all seriousness, "Hamilton" took the Broadway world by storm ("in the eye of a hurricane...") and, yeah, by this point I'm sure many people are sick of hearing about it. For others, though, we still can't get enough of it, and it's always a pleasure to be able to convince your friends to give history and show tunes a shot ("I am not throwing away my shot!") and watch them slowly become obsessed.
If you're like me, though, and you love "Hamilton" but have a few friends who are reluctant to give the cast album a listen ("Because, seriously, Broadway? Get a life!"), I have a solution. Rather than giving them a quick rundown as to the overall plot of the musical, which might come off as a little dry and give away potential spoilers, I have found a series of text posts compiled on top of pictures from the musical that are both funny and vague enough to keep people interested, but not give too much away.
Thanks to bwuhbwuhbwuhbwuhbwuh on Tumblr, who posted the text posts overlaid on the Hamilton stills on her blog, I've picked a few choice posts and put them in chronological order of the show, so that if one comes across a friend who seems "kinda sorta interested but doesn't want to be overly invested" can still get a general idea of what it's about.
Proof? I sent the compiled pictures to a friend who has never heard of the show, and asked what their impression of it was, just based on those pictures.
"One of these guys is just messing up everything. Another guy is perpetually angry. There are pretty girls. Everything goes to sh*t."
"Well. You're not wrong."