I have always been a huge ice cream fan.
From the times we were little and my parents took us to get ice cream for fun occasions to the times I was old enough to drive to take care of my ice cream necessities, ice cream has always been a large part of my sweet tooth life. A weakness or a strength? Not sure. But there's no doubting that it's not always the healthiest choice out there.
Throughout my college experience, I've struggled to find something to satiate my need for ice cream in a healthy manner. When you're in a dining hall three times a day with unlimited ice cream, it's pretty tough to resist. I've tried to limit my ice cream consumption by substituting it with copious amounts of whipped cream, froyo, normal yogurt, the "no sugar added" ice cream, sometimes even, *gasp,* fruit. But while all of these are great ways to make it feel real, none of them are close to the same thing and they still aren't too great for you (except for maybe that fruit concept).
But when my friends kept talking about this thing called 'Halo Top,' I brushed it off as another trendy food I'd probably never end up trying. I'm frugal and I figured it wouldn't be worth it. Besides, how could good tasting ice cream actually be good?
Until I saw the nutrition facts. And then tried it.
The ENTIRE pint is only 240 calories. You don't need to be some sort of health freak to know that that's INSANELY GREAT. And it's not one of those things that's loaded down with sugar or fat and it's actually not healthy. Look at that protein. Look at that fiber. It's a health-conscious, ice cream lover's (and a vegetarian's, like me) dream. Don't believe me, just watch...their website.
The craze is everywhere, and it was even spreading within my own groups. Though many of us are car-less and it's normally only found at random grocery stores that are off campus, when they arrived in our on-campus convenience store, they flew off the shelves.
My group text was blowing up. Thirty girls who care about this insanely great ice cream and want it at their convenience. I became the friend assigned to buying out all of our convenience shop to satisfy my other ice cream-loving friends' needs.
Going to pay for college with the funds I make from this project.
Anyways, back to the big picture. This is changing lives and I only wonder what the next new healthy snack they'll make. Donuts? Fries? Cake? I don't know, but I do know for now that I'll be eating a ton of this stuff.
What flavors, you ask? My first try was Birthday Cake and definitely was amazing. Chocolate mocha chip has been my latest venture, but I've heard great things about mint. And now with all of these new flavors being released today, I guess I'll just have to try them all.
The day has finally come! 10 new ways to chill with TEN new Halo Top Ice Cream Flavors! #ScoopItUp pic.twitter.com/5NH5Rm8CZj
— Halo Top (@HaloTopCreamery) October 10, 2016
It only makes me wish that Rachel and Monica knew about this stuff before (start at :40):
Now, don't mind me as I have a healthy scoop of guilt-free goodness.