Let me first start off by saying that I was not allowed to celebrate Halloween growing up. And while at first I was salty about it, the older I got the more I realized how - wait for it - stupid Halloween is and that there are so much better holidays out there. Like Christmas.
The meaning of it has always stayed true to itself
A day that was originally intended to remember the dead has been changed to people thinking it's the devil's holiday, people dressing up in costumes as all sorts of things. While Christmas has always been about celebrating the birth of Jesus (even though yes I know it is not His actual birthday). While we get presents on Christmas, we all know that Jesus is the reason for the season.
The movies are better
'Elf' 'A Christmas Story' 'Dr. Suess' How the Grinch Stole Christmas,' need I say more?
The songs are better
Has anyone ever made a Halloween playlist? No. Christmas playlist? Do I even need to answer that?
No one is trying to scare you, they’re just trying to love you.
All I’m saying is, no one was walking around during Christmas time dressed as a clown
Weather is better.
There’s not a song about dreaming of a white Halloween is there? I think not.
Also, so many fun things you can do during Christmas time. Ice skating, snowboarding, skiing, making snow angels. Snowball fights, snow forts, Christmas is just the best.
Why wear a costume for one day (or at all) when you can deck yourself in holiday gear
Personally, I'm not a fan of dressing up for Halloween. But I am a fan of wearing Christmas clothes.
So while everyone is counting down the days until Halloween, and planning out their costumes, I will be counting down the time until it is socially acceptable to wear Christmas clothes.
- Me On October 31 vs. Me On November 1 ›
- Deadlock: Christmas vs. Halloween vs. Thanksgiving ›
- Why It's Okay To Listen To Christmas Music Before Thanksgiving ›
- There's A Holiday After Halloween And It's Not Christmas ›