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16 Halloween Party Games For College Students

Put on a scary movie and each time someone dies, runs up the stairs, or screams, take a shot!


College students will take any excuse to slam their textbooks and take a break. Stores are beginning to sell Halloween-themed decor! You know what that means: from here on out, a candy a day keeps the monsters away. So do these Halloween party games.

Apart from the costume-themed fraternity parties, professors coming to class wearing questionable Halloween outfits, and nights avoiding homework by watching Halloween movies, this is a time to come together with friends and enjoy life apart from the pressures of school.

While the little kids go trick-or-treating, you'll be hanging with your friends trying to find ways to entertain yourselves. #adulting But just because we aren't children anymore doesn't mean we can't have our own fun with the best Halloween-themed games, and, if you're of age, feel free to add alcohol!

Whether you like to stay in the dorm with your roommates, hang out with the other residents in your building, dance at house parties, or snuggle with your friends or S.O. and watch classic horror films, these games are made for you.

So, grab your last-minute kitty cat, devil/angel, or bunny costumes and make sure to get competitive with these Halloween-themed games.

Guess the villain

Think Heads Up! but with infamous villains: The Joker, Freddy Keuger, Norman Bates, Gollum, Voldemort, Hannibal Lecter, Darth Vader, etc.

Mummy wrap

All you need is toilet paper and you've got a tournament!

Horror movie trivia

What was the actual name of Ghostface's costume in "Scream?" How many people associated with "The Exorcist" died during the film's year-long shoot? What is Michael Myers' middle name? Think you're a "horror buff," try to win this quiz!

Murder mystery

The real-life Clue, a murder mystery board game and film, where partygoers interrogate one another and guess who killed an innocent guest. Who can you trust?

Face the cookie

You'll definitely get a kick out of watching your friends twitch their face in the attempt to get a cookie into their mouth using no hands.

Shot in the dark

Hanging in for the night with friends? Put on a scary movie and each time someone dies, runs up the stairs, or screams, take a shot! And, if you're not over 21, you can substitute shots for a non-alcoholic drink, candy, etc.

Trick or treat

Risk your taste buds with Bean Boozled or similar activities. The true game, however, is liq-or-treat where a bartender mixes drinks of all types and the uncertainty is in how well it'll go down.

Halloween jinx

Choose a few forbidden words, such as spiders, black cat, and witches, and provide everyone with three tickets. If you hear someone speak of the outlawed word, you get their ticket. Whoever ends with the most tickets wins!

Monster mash

What's a party without dancing?

 Fear box

Are you brave enough to stick your hand into a box of unknown items?

 Costume tally

Count how many erotic vampires, sultry cops, and sexy angels/devils you see!

 Themed scavenger hunt

If you're into creating puzzles, devote your time into generating a thrill-seeking scavenger hunt.

 Donuts on a string

Simple. Hang donuts on a string and have people munch away, but make sure no hands are allowed!

 Pumpkin bowling

Set up your own bowling alley with pumpkins and toilet paper. For an added bonus draw ghostly faces on the toilet paper.

 Magic potions

Each participant can mix their own drinks, alcoholic or not, and then switch the cocktails around! Maybe one of you will actually create a tasty beverage.

 Costume contest

What's Halloween without costumes?

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