Before everyone hates me, let's start by saying that I'm not originally from the United States. I was born in Mexico and was raised there until I was about 12 years old and I moved to Texas. You, nothing big, a lot of people move places all the time, of course, there were some similarities between living in Mexico and living in the U.S, however, there were also some differences. One of those was Halloween.
I obviously heard about it before from movies and shows and things like that, but while I was growing up, that was not something that we did, or celebrated. So when I came here, it was my first year in middle school, and obviously, Halloween was coming up.
Everyone started to do this big fuzz about it, thinking of costumes, trying to fight with teachers to let us were costumes to class and you know, things like that. I was extremely confused, I knew what Halloween was, but I didn't really see what the big deal was, you just dressed up as some random character, either scary or not, and you eat candy.
I really didn't get the whole obsession that some people have with Halloween, and even to this point, I'm still not sure what the point is. I get it, I been living here as long as I have lived in Mexico before, so I understand, and I could even say I start to enjoy the day, but there is still a part of me that doesn't really care much about the whole overdoing and overthinking, and overexcitement of Halloween.
Call me wrong or whatever you want, but to my twenty-one years, I don't get excited waiting for Halloween or start planning my costumes ahead of time. If I'm being truthful, the only movies I really like that come out during Halloween time are the Disney movies, nothing else. I get the fun in changing into costumes and wearing fun, scary, or even sexy clothes, but what I really never enjoy about Halloween was the scary parts.
Why would I purposely want to get scared and dressed as something I would normally be terrified any other day of the year?
Sorry for all those Halloween lovers out there, but I cannot say I relate on your feeling, either way, enjoy Halloween!