Halloween is overrated. There, I said it. Don't get me wrong, I love dressing up and creating unique and fun costumes to wear. But Halloween is so hyped up all month long and I just don't know why. It's not that great.
So, naturally, I created a list of 10 reasons why I think Halloween is overrated.
1. Unless Halloween falls on a Friday or Saturday, what's the point?
As a college student, there are no weekends. There's always a party happening somewhere no matter if it is a Monday or a Saturday. But for the normal world? No one wants to go out on a Wednesday. It just makes it feel like the weekend and then you're let down when you want up with a hangover or a candy stomach ache on a Tuesday. Again, it's pointless.
2. People love to cultural appropriate on Halloween.
Whether or not you do it on purpose or you didn't know, whatever you do, don't cultural appropriate for your costume. Here's a list of costumes that are off limits: Native American costumes, a Geisha, a Day of the Dead sugar skull, I also saw a "sexy Mexican" costume with a girl wearing a sombrero, and blackface of ANY kind. Just please, don't do it.
3. My tastebuds are tired of pumpkin spice.
Y'all. I'm so tired of pumpkin spiced food items. Every single food item has a pumpkin spiced counterpart by now in the grocery stores and I need to know why. I don't want to eat pumpkin spice popcorn or pumpkin spiced kombucha. I even saw pumpkin spiced dog treats... (Ok not going to lie, I did buy those for my dog just for laughs.) Now, I do love myself the occasional pumpkin spiced pastry or pumpkin pie, but this has to stop guys.
4. The weather is bipolar.
Will it be scorching hot or freezing cold this year on Halloween? Who will know. October 31st falls at such a weird time weather wise and it's annoying. I don't know about you, but I don't want to have to wait for the weather report to plan out my costume.
5. Your sexy Halloween costume isn't cute anymore.
I'm not here to slut shame. Power to the girls who wear sexy costumes! LOVE YOURSELF! But some of them are so overdone I don't want to see them anymore. Any form of sexy nurse, animal, playboy bunny, angel, devil, the list goes on, is so overdone and uncreative. If you got it, flaunt it and think outside the box!
6. Too many warm tones.
OK, I'm also guilty of participating in all the warm tones of the season. What can I say? Warm tones make my Instagram feed poppin'. But it's just too much. So much orange, brown, yellow, and black. There's so much black! Where's the color and light? I need variety, people.
7. There's no Halloween music.
One of my favorite parts of Christmas and the Christmas season is the seasonal jams. Wanna know why? Because you never get tired of Christmas music because you only listen to it during Christmas time. Now I know Christmas music is controversial, some people love it, some people hate it. But one thing we can agree on is that there's like three Halloween songs and I want more.
8. Unless you're a child there is nothing to do.
Once you reach that age where you are clearly too old to trick-or-treat, there is no point in celebrating Halloween. Of course you can go to adult costume parties and drink and have a good time, but you can do that at any holiday. I'll save my one party a year limit for New Year's Eve, thank you.
9. Pumpkin patches always close after Halloween.
A lot of people think that once Halloween is over we go straight into Christmas season. (OK, I'm also guilty of this but only because decorating my apartment for Christmas after Halloween helps me get through finals and the rest of the Fall semester.) Typically the pumpkin patches close after Halloween and Thanksgiving gets forgotten about! Maybe I want to buy another pumpkin after Halloween. But now I can't because all the patches are closed.
CHRISTMAS SEASON IS UPON US AND SHE IS SUPERIOR. Christmas is way better than Halloween because the weather actually gets cooler now. (I live in Florida let me be.) There's Christmas music and you can bust out the hot drinks and Christmas decorations, Christmas movies and Christmas snacks. There is nothing better than driving through your neighborhood and seeing all the beautiful decorations. I'm so ready for Christmas!