The Halloween episode (Season 2, Episode 5) of the epic TV show "The Office" is often slept on, in my opinion. It's fairly early on in the show's existence, and on the surface, it may not be immediately chosen by viewers as one of their favorite episodes in the series. I'm here to change your mind.
This episode brings us one of the most iconic Jim outfits of the series: Three-Hole-Punch Jim. This costume perfectly sums up Jim as a character: pretending he couldn't care less about the office and his job, but putting in just enough effort to prove he really does. If you're not familiar with this episode (or forget it even happened entirely), here's a link to the scene.
We really get to see Jim and Pam's pranking in its prime in this episode. Michael is conflicted because he must fire someone by the end of the month, and he, of course, puts it off until the last day possible. He's hoping someone will offer to be the one to go, and Jim and Pam, being the loyal employees they are, put Dwight's resume on the internet and nearly get him a new job offer in Maryland before he inevitably screws it up. Jim pretends to be Michael on the phone to give a reference for Dwight, and this whole process really shows Jim and Pam as a team and how great they are together.
And, last but not least, we get an iconic Michael Scott blunder in this episode. He has so much anxiety over having to fire one of his employees, he has Jim role play it with him. He also asks Dwight who he thinks he should fire. By the end of the episode, Michael has decided to fire Creed, but Creed somehow convinces him Devon is the one who should be fired. Devon and Michael then get in an argument over who should really be fired, but Michael still ends up letting Devon go, creating an enemy in the process.
This episode perfectly combines office drama, an ingenious prank, and a classic not-so costume. If you don't love the Halloween episode, go rewatch it RIGHT NOW. It's a classic episode and always makes us laugh.