It’s that time of year again. Time to start making/buying a Halloween costume for the plethora of parties for infamous Halloweekend. But we all know the not-so-subtle intent of Halloween costumes: to show as much skin and look as sexy as possible. Just like "Mean Girls" says, it’s the one holiday a year where people can dress however they want, and nobody can say anything about it. Some costumes, however, really take it WAY too far. Here’s just a few floating around the Internet that are just too much, even for Halloween standards.
1. Sexy Olaf
Why not scar small children for life with an over-sexualized version of a beloved Disney character? Olaf is a goofy character from the recent hit movie Frozen, but costumes of him should probably be left for children under nine to enjoy, not adults walking around in a white jumpsuit and carrot nose attachment.
2. Sexy Minion
Putting aside the fact that the minion obsession is getting out of control and needs to stop, this costume is awful. Only the strange beanie even remotely suggests that this costume is meant to be a minion, which is NOT something that should be made sexy, ever.
3. Sexy Osama Costume
First of all: NO. This isn’t even one of those costumes that is funny, or can be worn ironically. It’s just plain offensive and disturbing. The whole dress and “Bin Laden Nose & Beard” combination is horrifying and ridiculous, and anyone who wore this would just look like a fool. Plus, the dress looks extraordinarily uncomfortable and is just asking for a wardrobe malfunction.
4. Sexy Pizza
Pizza is already sexy, so there’s really no reason to make a costume that portrays that, let alone a costume that represents a pretty gross pizza (Green peppers? Really? No, thanks). I’ll just choose to eat pizza on Halloween night, not dress like one.
5. Sexy Banana
I would NOT trust wearing this costume to a frat party, the bars, or really anywhere. It only takes one too-drunk person to see that zipper and make a bad choice. You know what I’m talking about. Suddenly, there’s an “unpeeled banana” in the middle of the room and Halloween just got a whole lot weirder. Make good costume choices, preferably without full-frontal zippers.
6. Sexy “Indian Chief”
Ah, cultural appropriation at its finest. People all over have been criticized recently for appropriating Native American culture through headdresses and whatnot, and this costume just takes that problem to a whole new level. Please, for the love of all things Halloween and sexy, do not make poor choices and look like an insensitive idiot like this costume suggests.
7. Sexy "Sesame Street" characters
Can you say childhood ruined? These sexy Bert, Ernie and Cookie Monster costumes make my 5-year-old self cry and put the classic TV show to shame. Again, like the minion costume, nobody would know that they are meant to represent these characters without the strange headpieces, and I personally know that walking around in a tied-up Ernie shirt and suspenders would make for a very uncomfortable Halloween.