It’s that time of year again; when the leaves turn a little yellower, we drink a little more pumpkin spice lattes, the streets are a little bit darker, and everyone is a little more sinful. It’s halloween and everyone is in search of the perfect not one, not two, but three halloween costumes to hit the town on "halloweekend." Now regardless of your intentions, your halloween costume says a lot about you. So this halloween weekend, dress with caution.
The sexy halloween costume
We all know as college students that Halloween is the one weekend of the year where dressing promiscuous is not only accepted but expected. The issue is that regardless of it being just Halloween it still sends a message. Don’t get me wrong I wont be covering up this Halloween season but there is a big difference between sexy and slutty and ladies it’s important to take note.
The DIY costume
We all have those super crafty friends that can whip together a costume the day of. I however am not one of those people but I can appreciate their artistic abilities. DIY costumes remind us that we are all on a tight budget as college students and its probably in our best interests to get our craft on then spend all our money at a costume shop.
The original costume
We all see those people out that you have to spend twenty minutes trying to figure out what exactly they are and at the end of the night you are just like I have to ask them because this is driving me insane. And it is always super metaphorical or out there and then you understand why you couldn't figure out what they were in the first place. What this costume tells us is that they didn’t want to be victimized for the “basic” costume so they thought outside the box and somehow made it happen.
The Squad Costume
When your squad dresses to impress. Halloween is the one time of year it’s normal to coordinate outfits with your friends. Whether you are replicating the cast of mean girls or being the Blair to their Serena, your squad can never leave your side, because that would just not make sense. What the squad costume says is that you have great group of friends that make looking ridiculous acceptable and isn't that the true meaning of Halloween.
The couples costume
We all know those couples that are inseparable and when you ask one to hang out you know the other one is coming too. Well I know it’s hard to believe but they are also the ones that wear the super coordinated couple Halloween costumes. You know those Jasmine and Aladdin’s and those Danny and Sandy’s and occasionally those peanut butter and jelly’s, well those are the costumes and the couples I am talking about. These costumes say not only are we dating but we also really wanted to match and Halloween is the only time that it is semi-acceptable.
Whatever costume you do decide to wear just know you are making a statement so dress accordingly. Happy Halloween!