It is that time of year again. The time where we're all equal parts excited for Halloween, hate our lives because of midterms and work, and are about as broke as they come (seriously, my bank account is more starving than I am). You have absolutely no time to come up with a decent costume, you barely have the motivation to put on whatever costume you come up with, but you also can't wait to party with your friends who are all dressed up too. So, for the broke, the tired, the procrastinator, and the college student (basically all four), I have a list of last minute, easy-to-do Halloween costumes that also reflect you as a person.
1. Broke
We're all so poor that we can barely afford to drinks and the uber to get to them, let alone a costume. So, be broke. Dress up as a panhandler. Where a hat folded up above your ears, some old looking boots, ripped jeans or shorts and a t-shirt or long-sleeve with holes in it. Carry around an empty McDonald's cup all night, and ask people for money. (Also, how damn cute is this kid?)
2. Dead
Aren't we all dead this time of year? The trees are dying, your bank account is dying, your liver is dying, your GPA is dying (dead), your will to live is dying, so why not just be what you are? Wear all black and paint your face a paler skin tone than you have, and put heavy dark makeup around your eyes. Make sure your hair is messy. For an extra touch, put a sign around your neck that says: "Here lies _____," and hold a dead flower or two.
3. Lazy
You wouldn't be reading this article if you didn't need a Halloween costume this last minute. Be a nudist on strike. Wear literally whatever you have in your closet or drawers and put a sign around your neck that says: "Nudist on Strike."
4. Tired
We're all dragging our feet 24/7. You've wondered if you would be mistaken for a cast member on "The Walking Dead" numerous times. So, be a zombie. Take an old pair of pants, rip them up a bit more than American Eagle did. Do the same thing with an old shirt. Toss some red paint (blood) on your face and make yourself pale and looking, well, zombie-ish.
5. Drunk
Walk around in regular clothes, messy hair, and day old makeup, holding an empty bottle of your favorite alcohol. This one can be interactive if you're feeling up to it.
Mom and Dad always told you to be yourself, right? Perhaps this isn't entirely what they had in mind, but I'm sure they'd be happier about this than you calling them begging for money for a costume you'll wear one time. Dress (and drink) responsibly! Happy Halloween-ing everyone!