Though obviously not in the same league as Christmas or the 4th of July, Halloween is still amazing. Halloween was the holiday you idolized as a child. You looked forward to getting to trick-or-treat like your older siblings, and then you finally got to go with your parents yourself, often times only going around the block before your parents called it a night. Years later, you went with only your friends, making bets on who could get the most candy and spending hours trading Crunch Bars for Laffy Taffy's. But Halloween takes on a whole new meaning in college. The traditional greatness of the holiday still resides, but a whole new ballgame opens up, and you'd best be ready to play.
Halloween is the epitome of the autumnal season. This means everything PUMPKIN!
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Pumpkin bread, pumpkin spice lattes, pumpkin muffins, pumpkin donuts, little children dressed as pumpkins (see below), pumpkin carving, and even pumpkin picking on some patch with your sorority so you can have a photoshoot (if you're into that sort of thing...)
And of course everything CANDY!
There are those annoying festive people in your neighborhood (or family) who like to scare everyone around them.
But who cares! Cause this holiday is for everyone. Jews celebrate Hannukah, Christians celebrate Christmas, and moms celebrate Mother's Day. But everyone gets to celebrate Halloween. Even cute little kids who beg for candy.
Unless you're not super into Halloween, in which case just curl up and watch some horror movies and other Halloween classics like Hocus Pocus.
and Halloweentown.
Cause the holiday will be over the next morning. Although I would caution to stay away from all social media outlets for at least 3 days #picsoritdidnthappen.
It's not like Thanksgiving where people shit on you for not liking turkey, or Christmas where your mom gets mad if you're not enjoying "family time" where you have to pretend you like half of your relatives.
It's all about getting dressed up with the squad, and celebrating the week long holiday (at least in college) where you'll have to round up at least 3 costumes.
DRINKING THOUGH. Did I mention I love Halloween cause its all about drinking? #BOOze puns for days
Seriously, from like age 16 and up it stops being about having the most extravogent/scary costume
and getting eating as many pounds of candy as possible...
...and starts getting to the real deal: the parties. Oh but don't worry, the costumes are still v important.
There are the #basicbitch costumes of being a bunny/cat (or really anything with ears) and making it slutty.
There are the semi-slutty costumes that you hadn't spent more than 10 minutes putting together (ex: Marilyn Monroe, Holly Golightly, Gatsby).
There are the weird looking creative costumes.
And the group costumes.
Someone will go as a witch, or a ghost, or maybe even Casper the ghost.
Schoolgirl Britney. Always.
Same with superheroes.
The cop costume too. Often to be confused with a stripper if worn by the male gender.
And there's always that someone who goes as some sort of pun or wordplay. Lazy mofo.
But what's marvelous about Halloween is you can do whatever kind of costume makes you happy...
and it doesn't end up mattering in the end cause everyone is too drunk to notice.
Just make sure you get lots of pics and can re-use at least one of your costumes next year. Oh, and buy a lot of discounted candy at CVS the next day.