So you're about halfway through the semester, congratulations. All of the tests, labs, quizzes and homework assignments haven't killed you like you thought they would. Well, we're only about halfway through, there is still a long way to go. You may have midterms, more tests, quizzes, homework assignments and the dreaded group projects. I have three different group projects this semester. There are some people that we are in more than one group together. Just be wary of group projects they will either make or break your final grade. If you sit back and let others take the lead on the project they will say you deserve a lesser grade because you did virtually nothing. Now, the opposite is true too. If you work hard on something and someone else in the group does not you will call them out on it. Also, stay in communication with your group members because you can show your professor that you've tried to communicate with everyone else and no one responds it is not on you.
Don't be the guy from above. We've all had those classes where the book doesn't matter and we've had those classes where we think the book doesn't matter. Two COMPLETELY different scenarios. You spent money on a book so you might as well use it! Reading the book may help and sometimes it doesn't help, just depends on your class.
Low key this is everyone's biggest pet peeve. It's my unassigned assigned seat! I've been sitting there since day one! Give me my seat back. Unfortunately, we do sit in the same seat all semester long so we get into a comfort zone instead of getting new experiences and meeting new people in the class especially if it's a large lecture hall.
Despite what that other article on The Odyssey said, don't be Creed my fellow Monarchs!! It sucks having to do all of this work for 15 weeks but it is all worth it. If you think this is bad try the real world where you do the same thing for 50 fifty weeks (assuming you get two weeks vacation).
There will always be those moments when you need a nap but you have so much work to do that you have to take a little nap to get a lot of work done later. I always have to be up early in the morning and I'm a night owl so I don't get a lot of sleep, but I can recharge in the middle of the day with a nice nap.
Just keep climbing! Keep a focus on your goals and remember that one incident can change a lifetime. Don't give up halfway through. Whatever it is you have to do to keep going, do it! It is the whatever it takes mentality!