Whoa. We're halfway there. Some of us are just living on a prayer. Our friends are telling us to take their hands, saying we'll make it, they swear. Whoa. We're halfway there.
Specifically, halfway through college. Finished with our second year. And Bon Jovi has never applied to me more (My name's not Tommy though, and I don't know a Gina). And quite a few songs actually fit into this situation that many other college students find themselves in. This situation being that we are at the halfway point of our college career. Many of us are no longer teenagers as well, and we're getting ready to face the real world. I'm not sure about everyone else, but I think it's pretty apt to call this stage of our lives one word: scary.
To be honest, scary is just the first word that comes to mind. There are,in reality, a plethora of words that fit what I and many rising juniors feel as we end our lives as sophomores. From scared, to old, to eager, to flipping out, the halfway mark means so much for college students.
As mentioned, many of us turned 20 this year, and that is quite the step. We have left the age of teenager-hood, and now are even more considered adults. Legally, we are adults when we turn 18, and it's really 21 when we are given more privileges. But at 20, we are seen as adults more than when we were 18. And we must act more as adults. With this end to our second year, we must now really start looking to our future, and planning for what we want to do with our lives. Many people do start earlier than when they're sophomores, but it's expected that by now in our lives, we are looking to find jobs, internships, and work in general.
But at this same time, when so much is expected of us, we do end up doing so much. We start planning out our lives, we do end up in jobs, and internships, doing work we might hope to be doing later in life. We get ready for the rest of our lives, full of excitement and anticipation. And despite how scary it is that we need to plan and figure everything out for our lives starting now, it is also pretty exhilarating. We get to try ourselves out in the real world, and we start following paths we love and want to keep following.
To quote yet another song, we've come so far, but we've got so far to go. We've lived our entire lives and built ourselves to where we are. And we've gone through so much to get this far in college, the midway point. And we should really pat ourselves on the back. But with all we've done, boy do we have a road in front of us. We still have so much to do for our lives and college, and to plan and prepare for our futures.
But we've got to hold on to what we've got. And though it might make a difference whether we make it or not, we've got each other. And that's a lot. So let's go forth into the world, still completely aware we are figuring ourselves out, and give it a shot.