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I'm Already Halfway Through High School

And I'm having the absolute time of my life.

I'm Already Halfway Through High School
Taylor Contarino

Okay, okay. So- I know it's all about the books, the tests, the GPA, the AP tests, the SAT's, and all that. And trust me, I am enjoying the hard work (tough as it is), the learning, the projects, and the communicating new ideas, opinions, and thoughts with other teachers and students, but what I'm enjoying most of all is the making of such awesome memories, whether they be through the hallways, after school in sports and other activities, or in classrooms. I love all of the people in my school so much, the teachers, the classes, the sports, the clubs. Everything about it is just so fun and exciting and I never really want it to end.

As the year wraps up, which I cannot believe that it is, I can't help but feel a sense of melancholy and as though I already miss it before it's even gone. Which is why, of course, I plan to savor every last moment of this week.. Because if you think about it, I'll never have these moments back again. Next year, the seniors won't roam the halls like they do now. I won't hear that obnoxiously awesome and perfect scream of "Seeeennyyaaaaa!!!!" I won't get to talk to that cute boy right behind me every day in Spanish class (Although, I'm praying he'll be in my English). I won't have a desk right next to my best friend. Heck, I won't even get to learn all about Shakespeare's King Lear all over again. And who thought that I would ever miss that?

I'll never get these moments back again. Even the failed tests, the fights with friends, the bad sports games, the midterms I was too busy to study for, the fights with family, the roughest times and the sad best friends I wish that there was more I could have done to fix- for this feeling, it's worth it. This feeling of knowing that I had such an incredible year. I've been doing this thing a lot recently. I'll be sitting in class and I just can't help but smile- I love my life, where I'm at right now, this place, and all of these people. I stop often and I take a look around and I just can't help but feel butterflies in my tummy because of where I am, where I am going, and all that I've accomplished this year.

When the going get's tough, the tough get going. High school can be kind of hard- I know my college students, employed workers, and PHD seekers will probably disagree- and you probably are right that looking back, it seems so easy. But I can say it can be a struggle sometimes, balancing everything. Schoolwork, a job, sports, clubs, life, family, relationships, leadership positions, etc. And then a social life on top of that. But it's a struggle that I enjoy. I can't say that I mind studying, grinding, working, and learning. Because at the end of the day, if I'm doing it with people that I love, well, then, I'm pretty blessed. The work is worth it, as they say.

As this year wraps up, I want to take a moment to recognize where I started and where I am heading. In the beginning of high school, I didn't really think that I was all that smart or talented. I didn't really have any goals except to have fun with my friends, get pretty decent grades, and decide what the heck to do with my future. I played sports for fun and to make friends, and I never ever expected to actually excel at one. I kinda just was having fun being young. Boy, have things changed. This year, I learned so much about myself. I am extremely smart, and hard working. and maybe even athletic too. When I put all of my effort in, which is 99.9% of the time, I achieve amazing results that just prove how much potential I really have. I'm an over-achiever. I am extra. I go all out- yes, even in gym. I take risks, opportunities, and use up all of my energy on daunting, long, and difficult tasks that I want to succeed in. I overwork myself sometimes. I get a little lazy sometimes, then I bounce back. I put so much heart into every single thing that I do. I'm learning to love myself for all of these things, and I just can not wait to see where my journey takes me next. I'm so in love with high school, life, and everything that it has to offer.

I've taken so many risks this year that the old me would never jump at. I attended 5:30 am football-style workout drill sessions, I ran for and made student council, I joined a sport and made Varsity at it that I had no idea about. I decided to load up Junior year with all AP and honors. I decided to live life taking risks, loving, laughing, and learning. I decided to love everyone and everything. I'm just one step closer to finding exactly who I am.

I can't believe that in just four short months, I'm going to be starting my second to last year of school as a high school Junior. I'm going to be half way through some of the best years of my life. But although it is bittersweet, I'm so happy because I know that I'm at such an awesome place, living my best life, and there isn't anything that I would change about my high school experience so far. Here's to more success, love, happiness, and excitement. Bring on Summer 2018, but also bring on Back To School 2018, because I can't wait to push the continue button on some of the best years of my life.

Next time that you're in class staring at the hands of the clock, waiting for them to strike 2 o' clock, and waiting for that dang bell that signifies the end of 'hell,' remember this. Life, and high school, move pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss them.

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