Maybe you have noticed I haven't wrote in awhile. That is because I have been so extremely overwhelmed with life and school. We are approaching the half way point of the semester and if you're anything like me you're probably stressed to the max. Although stressed, the thought of being half way is a sense of relief. If you are struggling this semester, keep your head up! You can only do so much, and I myself am learning this. You do not have to get perfect grades, and if you know me you know that was hard for me to accept.
I have accepted the fact that life gets in the way sometimes and you might not exceed like you're use to and that's okay. Everything will work itself out as long as you try your hardest! Knowing you tried your hardest and believing that you put all the effort possible is all you can do. Don't beat yourself up, you seriously will take a load off if you just accept that you put forth all you could. Although you may be stressed, maybe you're happy with how the semester is going. If so, I totally envy you right now because school is kicking me in the butt. But I remind myself:
You are half way.
And for the next few weeks after this I will remind myself the same things, only x number more weeks until I get a break! To all my college friends: stay motivated, study, do your homework, keep up on assignments, and get some sleep although I know that can seem impossible at times. Do not put things off, work your hardest, and don't give up. The result in the end will be worth it, I promise! Sadly, we will come back from break and go through the motions all over again next semester! Every semester survived is one closer to getting that degree! Look forward to the prize at the end and it'll all be worth it.