It has taken some time getting used to not having a library this past semester. Hale was used for more than just holding old dusty books. Hale was the perfect place to stay while you were between classes and Einstein Bro's always came in clutch while studying late at night. I definitely took Hale for granted last year, it is true: you never know you have a good thing till it's gone. Finals week was one of the worst times this past semester because it was impossible to find a quiet space anywhere on campus, especially if you were studying with a group of people.
The Student Union is a huge study spot, but if you are looking to go in there in the middle of the day, good luck finding an open seat. The Union is a good place to do homework but not really study considering it is a high traffic area and can get loud at times, but it is a good place to hang out in between classes.
Regnier Hall is another study spot, which many people do not know about. If your major is not architecture or design, you probably didn't know about this study spot, just like I didn't.
For you math and physics students, Cardwell is a good place to study.
Another very popular study spot for many students is the business building. The business building has lots of places to study and has four different floors all with private study rooms which is a great quiet place to be alone or with a group.
There are also a couple of other small coffee shops around campus that are great to study at including, Sparrow, Arrow Coffee, and Radinas. These coffee shops aren't provided by K-State libraries, so you won't be able to get any help from librarians and won't be able to borrow any materials like you are able to do at the other study locations but these coffee shops are still a good place to go and usually aren't too busy.
Click here to find more information on K-State libraries and more study spots.