Have you ever wondered, "hmm I wonder what kind of hairstyle I would have based on my zodiac sign?" No? Just me? Well you're probably wondering right now and lucky for you I have gathered pictures from the internet for your entertainment. These are based on the description of your zodiac sign and or animal and maybe you will be inspired to actually get the hairdo.
1. Aries
This is so you Aries! You are the Ram and you are known to take things head on, No pun intended. You are adventurous and energetic and of course quick-witted. But you also have your bad side such as being impulsive and quick-tempered.
2. Taurus
Yes, I literally found your zodiac sign animal with amazing hair. Even though the bull looks like it's done with life, his hair certainly isn't. Your sign is known for being stubborn and down to earth, It's literally all in this picture.
3. Gemini
As a fellow Gemini I did not have to look up my sign description. One of Gemini's strong characteristics is their imagination. Although these hairstyles are over the top, so are you.
4. Cancer
According to Zodiac Signs Astrology, the Cancer sign "depends on people for emotional support and encouragement." Even though this is not just a hairstyle but hair color as well, I believe it fits perfectly with you cancer.
5. Leo
Need I say more?
6. Virgo
I once knew a Virgo long ago. Very hard working and no play. Astrology Zodiac states " Virgo's are always paying attention to the smallest of details." This guy above knows a thing or two about details and precision.
7. Libra
Libra's are known for being on the side of justice and equality. And what comes to mind is the statue of liberty, Liberty spikes just made sense.
8. Scorpio
Scorpions may be small but can be deadly. This hairstyle is bold and with loads of character, Just like you, Scorpio.
9. Sagittarius
Sagittarius zodiac sign could be described by "the characteristics of independence, and the ability to unroot and move at any moment." What's more freer than a mustang?
10. Capricorn
Just do whatever this goat is doing with it's hair, he/she looks like it has their life figured out. And I think that we can all agree that the curls are on point.
11. Aquarius
Zodiacsigns.com states " Aquarius personality is very independent, any attempt to hold them down or restrict them will cause them to flee." reminds me of the ocean free and without restrictions. And the blue color adds to that theme.
12. Pisces
I know a few Pisces in my life including my oldest brother. One of Pisces strengths is that they are musical, This hairstyle suits you perfectly.