It does not matter where you come from, every black girl can attest to having one of these eight things done to their hair as a child. After a while, you learn the rules of the process and get used to hearing some of these quotes from your mom or auntie in relation to each hair tool/style.
1. Perm - "Let me know when it's burning."
"Ma, it's burning."
"OK, just giving it a few more minutes," as she continues to prepare a Thanksgiving meal for the entire planet.
Meanwhile, you're praying your hair isn't burning off.
Finally, she blames the chemical burns on you for scratching your hair.
2. Toothbrush - "Let me slick ya edges down real quick."
Boy, boy, boy. There was nothing more satisfying than watching your mom handle that toothbrush, slicking and scooping those edges back like she was Jesus giving sight to a blind man.
3. Hot Comb - "Hold your ears down."
Mom would tell you to hold your ears down but somehow manages to burn your nape, ear, and forehead. But it's alright because she always rubbed the sores down with Vaseline. (And your grandma was no better.)
4. Hard Bristled Brush - "Stop crying, act like somebody killing you."
She would say this quote as she proceeded to brush your neck, forehead, ears and eyeballs, and dared you to keep crying or she's was going to "Give you something to cry about."
5. Gel/Jam - "Where is the top?"
Somehow, no matter how hard you tried to keep up with the top (lid) to the gel; it always went missing and you were always framed for it. And please don't let any fall on the floor because you know your mom was going to wipe it up and put it in your hair.
6. Barrette Collections - "You bet not lose these at school."
Almost every little girl had a shoe box or empty Cheese Puff container that her mom kept all of the hairballs and barrettes in. Coming home with one missing was an open invitation to WWIII.
7. Blue Magic Grease - "Come on, let me grease your scalp."
Sitting between your mom's legs as she dug the comb in your scalp as she parted was the least of your concerns. Having her talk on the phone right in your ear was the issue, but you didn't mind because you got to listen to the "grown folk" conversation.
8. Getting Hair Washed in Kitchen Sink - "Go get a chair, I'm 'bout to wash your hair."
There was nothing more painful than getting your hair washed in the sink.
A. Your mom pressing her chest against your back.
B. Your neck/back started to hurt after awhile.
C. Feeling as though your drowning whenever she poured a cup of water over your head.