So for the last couple of weeks, I have been full speed ahead in blogging and YouTubing. I finally found my passion in life and can honestly say I am internally happy. It literally all hit me one day that wow I was such a hateful person months ago. This made me sit back and reflect on my life so far. I can honestly say I'm not proud of what I remember, but I also can say I have grown. I really wanted to take the time to write this because I know someone can relate. If you are in a negative place in your heart and soul GET OUT! Leave that place and find yourself. If your heart doesn't jump with excitement every day you're doing something wrong. I wake up now every day hoping to make another person life better through my stories and words. I hope this helps you reflect and find peace in yourself.
So I'm 21 and at the point where I stop giving a S*** about what people think. I really just can't anymore lol like I CAN'T!! I went through so much of the hate and judgment I will not anymore. I will honestly admit I literally conformed to that throw shade and petty life and I am so ashamed of myself to the point I want to apologize to anyone I have every had negative thing to say about. I really was so lost in the world of throwing shade I forgot where I came from and who I was. I remember being talked about just because any reason and now I'm doing the same. I WAS RAISED SO MUCH BETTER THAN THAT!! I think the thing that bothers me the most is the fact people really try to cover up stating their opinion as not throwing shade but being "honest". ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!? People think being rude can be excused by the fact its only an opinion. NO, your opinion can be rude too boo boo. This alone made me say enough because there is no reason to be so mean to everyday people you have done nothing to you. I understand the truth hurts (dduuuuuuhhh) but don't be mad when you getting bopped in your head because instead of coming to the person straight up you told everyone and their mommy first.
I'm blessed to have blogging now for the simple fact I can get all my thoughts out and vent. I was in such an unhappy place when I was just lost in my thoughts and now I can fully be open. I can say I don't regret anything I say openly because I have a truth and I'm real at the end of the day. I keep to myself and the friends I have to know me, and some people claim they do. I don't conduct myself in such matters anymore and I refuse to partake in shading activities. I'm not perfect so somethings I say will be uncalled for but I guarantee I will be asking God for forgiveness.