Anyone who has grown up in a Christian home can probably testify that their childhood was a lifestyle filled with picture Bibles, Sunday school songs, and Christian education... but is that enough to build a lifelong relationship with Christ?
I am here to say that no, it is not enough. In fact, these things can be a hindrance to the one-on-one bond formed between a child and Jesus.
Now, I am not saying that any of the things mentioned above are bad... in fact, they are great tools in aiding children to understand the stories in the Bible and to give them a basic understanding of who God is and what He has done for humanity. This is where the problem lies though: sometimes these tools can turn children from being relational to being Bible trivia scholars. They can put a false sense of love and relation in a child’s mind.
I remember being little and having to memorize scripture in vbs or in school. This was used as a tool to help "hide God's word in my heart", but really, all it did was make scripture learning about getting the bonus points or the A+ in the class. It diminished God's original intent for hiding scripture away in my heart.
It created a lukewarm Christian.
We have all heard about the lukewarm Christian... it means that you know who God is and you pray (probably only when times are tough or when you feel guilty while listening to a compelling sermon) but there is definitely no daily connection with God happening at all. Revelation 3:15-16 is the verse where this term comes from. It reads this: "I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other!So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth. "
This was me through and through. I didn't realize it, and if I did, man, was I denying it! You see, I spent my life knowing that I loved God, but I thought that Sunday school or Christian music counted as my daily fill with Jesus. I did not realize that there was more to it than just plugging in long enough to listen to my Bible class teacher finish the lecture.
Halfway through my senior year of high school, I started to realize that I was the one separating myself from my personal relationship. I was the one who had to put in the extra mile to have what would be deemed as a "hot" relationship with Christ. Feeling alone and isolated from my emotions left me angry most of the time and I couldn't put my finger on what I was missing. I realized that I was missing was personal time with God every day. God was there all of the time, but I needed to acknowledge Him. This was not an easy realization to come to, seeing as I was being surrounded by a padded and primped Christian atmosphere, but once I came to the realization, I was able to start my journey.
The past year has been filled with trial and error and a lot of learning, but growth has happened and a better understanding of who my Savior is and what amazing things he has blessed my life with has occurred. I have been blessed with great friends, good mentors, and the ability to truly understand how to communicate with and listen to God.
Just know that if you are living in a Christian based world, but feel like you are separated... you don't have to be this way. Realize it sooner, rather than later because God wants to have a personal and loving relationship with you; not just a once a week youth group prayer. Believe me, having a special time carved out into your daily life will make a world of difference in your attitude on life and it will fill your heart with an overabundance of joy.
It is my prayer that you are no longer lukewarm and that you give yourself over fully to God.